A Photo For A Blog Abpout Can Old Acne Scars Be Treated With PRP

Can Old Acne Scars Be Treated With PRP?

By | PRP Skin Care

Can Old Acne Scars Be Treated With PRP?

Acne scars are relatively common. Though, for some people, they can be extensive and significantly impact the look of the face or skin. Thus, acne scar removal and treatment are among the most commonly sought professional skincare services.  However, since acne scarring often is caused by acne in our teenage years, patients have concerns that it will not respond adequately to treatment. Can old acne scars be treated with PRP?

Yes, there are options for treating older acne scars. Additionally, when looking at procedures best for old scarring, PRP is one of the most effective. Thus, depending on the type of acne scars you have, your master esthetician will most likely recommend either PRP microneedling or PRP injections.

Both of these procedures help increase collagen production underneath and within the acne scars. This can help smooth out pitted acne scars and fill them in. Most acne scars will respond to some form of platelet rich plasma treatment.  If you have keloid acne scars, PRP is generally not the best treatment. 

To learn more about PRP acne scar treatment or to schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Microneedling With PRP vs. Without

Microneedling With PRP vs. Without

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling is a medical grade skincare treatment that makes small punctures in the skin to induce collagen production. The healing that takes place can reduce the appearance of acne scars, pigmentation issues, and smooth a rough texture. Since healing is taking place, master estheticians sometimes use platelet rich plasma to enhance this process. What is the difference between microneedling with PRP vs. without?

When you choose to add PRP to microneedling, the microneedling will push the platelet rich plasma deep into the skin. PRP is a component naturally present during the healing process and signals to your body that there is a wound that requires attention. Therefore, when your body senses this additional PRP, it will increase the blood flow, white blood cells, lymphocytes, and other necessary components for healing. 

Whether or not you utilize PRP, microneedling is a powerful treatment that can benefit nearly any skincare routine. However, if you have more severe acne scarring or concerns, PRP may provide an additional level of healing that can make further enhancements to the skin. At a consultation, your master esthetician can determine whether PRP microneedling or traditional microneedling will best meet your goals. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also connect with us online using chat or contact form.

Photo For Blog Post About The Best Acne Scar Treatment Seattle

One Of Best Acne Scar Treatments: Microneedling With PRP

By | PRP Skin Care

Getting rid of acne scars is known to be a long and difficult process. Often, the complete elimination of acne scars is impossible, but certain treatment methods can reduce their appearance. Arguably, one of the best acne scar treatments is microneedling with PRP

Microneedling can be performed with or without platelet rich plasma. However, combining this collagen induction treatment with PRP supercharges the process. This can lead to increased cell turnover and higher collagen production. This, in turn, can lead to collagen filling in, or smoothing acne scars. Platelet rich plasma is known to aid and induce the healing process which allows for your body to treat your scars like a new wound.

The tiny punctures made through microneedling, push the PRP deep into the skin. While these holes in the skin are usually not visible to the naked eye, they trick your body into triggering your healing response. This can create new skin and provides nourishment to the treated areas.

These two powerful treatments combine to create one of the most effective and best acne scar treatments: microneedling with PRP. Your master esthetician can determine if your acne scars may benefit from microneedling with PRP. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Microneedling With PRP For Treating Scars

Microneedling With PRP For Treating Scars

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Surgical scars and acne scarring are notoriously hard to treat and completely diminish. Luckily, with the newest in regenerative medicine and technology, microneedling with PRP for treating scars can reduce the appearance of surgical and acne scars. 

When it comes to surgical scars, microneedling supercharged with platelet rich plasma, PRP, can improve the texture of the scar and smooth the skin surrounding it. While only time can completely fade surgical scars, when you undergo microneedling with PRP for scar reduction you can significantly improve the look and feel of your surgical scar. Often, you can use microneedling with PRP with other scar treatment methods and creams for the best results.

Microneedling with PRP is one of the foremost and most effective esthetic treatments for atrophic acne scarring. Since microneedling (aka collagen induction therapy) stimulates your body to create collagen it can help fill in depressed acne scars. PRP enhances this process and induces your body to continue creating collagen for weeks following treatment. Again, when combined with other skin resurfacing and esthetic procedures like chemical peels and laser treatments, you can garner the best results. 

Microneedling with PRP has relatively few side effects and almost no recovery time. This same process can treat the appearance of stretch marks. To schedule a consultation microneedling with PRP for treating scars at PRP In Seattle, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.

PRP skin care in Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland

Skin Benefits Of Platelet Rich Plasma

By | PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, has become one of the leading skin treatments in the past few years. In 2020, this plasma will continue to take over the beauty and cosmetic industries. PRP offers many benefits when used in esthetic skin treatments. 


Most commonly, PRP is used for those who suffer from deep acne scarring. Platelet rich plasma stimulates collagen and elastin production which can help fill in the pits of boxcar acne scarring. Collagen and elastin are important proteins for your skin and contribute to the growth of new skin when healing a wound. Esthetic procedures utilizing PRP helps instigate this process and correct damaged skin. 


Additionally, PRP can help improve the overall tone and texture of your skin. Again, using it’s powerful regenerative properties, PRP stimulates the production of renewed skin. While this can help fill in acne scarring, it can also generally enhance your skin quality. Adding PRP to a procedure like microneedling, can improve and prolong your results. 


To schedule a consultation with a PRP specialist at PRP in Seattle, call us at 206-324-1120 or contact us online.