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What Age Should You Start PRP Microneedling?

By | PRP Skin Care

PRP microneedling is a medical grade skincare procedure associated with anti-aging and improving skin quality. While platelet rich plasma microneedling does reduce the look of aging, it can improve the skin at any age. Therefore, patients often ask, “What age should you start PRP microneedling?”

Microneedling with PRP can benefit skin at nearly any age. It can also address some skin conditions such as acne scars, cystic acne, other facial scarring, and hyperpigmentation. All of these can occur regardless of age. Though, it is also helpful for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If your master esthetician believes you are a good candidate for PRP microneedling, then you likely are.

Some patients may start PRP microneedling in their twenties while others may not benefit from it until they are older. However, there is no one right age to start the procedure. Ultimately, if you want to improve the look and quality of your skin, PRP microneedling in Seattle by a master esthetician may be the right choice for you.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using chat or contact form.