A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP Help Sagging Skin

Does PRP Help Sagging Skin?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma has many benefits for the skin. From helping plump certain areas to providing a healthy glow, cosmetic PRP is becoming a go-to cosmetic treatment. However, what exactly can platelet rich plasma treat? Does PRP help sagging skin?

Like with many cosmetic procedures, it depends. If treating mild wrinkles, then PRP injections are a good option for creating more collagen and treating the wrinkles. However, more obvious wrinkles likely will not respond to PRP alone. Therefore, platelet rich plasma may help with treating mild sagging skin.

However, PRP is also frequently used in facelift surgery to help promote ideal healing and reduce scarring. In this case, platelet rich plasma does help treat more advanced skin sagging in combination with surgery. Studies have shown better outcomes and results when using PRP during surgery than not.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog About Is Microneedling With PRP Permanent

Is Microneedling With PRP Permanent?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling is a well known esthetic procedure that helps stimulate collagen production. A way to supercharge it is with platelet rich plasma—also known as PRP. Since PRP is integral to the natural healing process in the body, this causes your body to react faster and better improves the results of microneedling. Let’s look at the question, “Is microneedling with PRP permanent?”

While undergoing regular PRP microneedling sessions may make a permanent improvement in the quality of your skin, the procedure is generally not considered permanent. This is because if you do not undergo it regularly, the skin will eventually become damaged again. It also does not take as long when compared to surgical procedures.

However, microneedling with PRP can make a long lasting difference. For example, the treatment is often used to reduce the appearance of acne and surgical scars. These results may be effectively permanent in some cases. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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How Often Should You Do PRP Microneedling?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

PRP microneedling, also known as microneedling with PRP, combines microneedling and platelet rich plasma for improved skin rejuvenation. This procedure can treat acne scars, sun damage, and many other skin conditions and concerns. It is generally considered more effective than just microneedling. Often, when first starting out, patients will undergo a round of a few treatments spaced about four to six weeks apart. Patients sometimes ask, “How often should you do PRP microneedling?”

Generally, the answer is no more than once every four to six weeks. This is because your skin needs time to heal following each microneedling treatment. Not allowing it to heal can cause irritation and possibly hinder your results. However, some patients may be able to do the treatment every two weeks in the beginning, though this is not especially common.

After the initial round of treatments–usually four to six sessions–patients may be able to maintain results and keep up the quality of their skin with only one or two PRP microneedling sessions a year. Though, of course, this will depend on your skin and other factors like the damage you receive between treatments. Your master esthetician can discuss this more with you during your consultations and treatments.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using our chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Microneedling With PRP vs. Without

Microneedling With PRP vs. Without

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling is a medical grade skincare treatment that makes small punctures in the skin to induce collagen production. The healing that takes place can reduce the appearance of acne scars, pigmentation issues, and smooth a rough texture. Since healing is taking place, master estheticians sometimes use platelet rich plasma to enhance this process. What is the difference between microneedling with PRP vs. without?

When you choose to add PRP to microneedling, the microneedling will push the platelet rich plasma deep into the skin. PRP is a component naturally present during the healing process and signals to your body that there is a wound that requires attention. Therefore, when your body senses this additional PRP, it will increase the blood flow, white blood cells, lymphocytes, and other necessary components for healing. 

Whether or not you utilize PRP, microneedling is a powerful treatment that can benefit nearly any skincare routine. However, if you have more severe acne scarring or concerns, PRP may provide an additional level of healing that can make further enhancements to the skin. At a consultation, your master esthetician can determine whether PRP microneedling or traditional microneedling will best meet your goals. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also connect with us online using chat or contact form.

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Microneedling With PRP Seattle: Is PRP Microneedling Safe For All Skin Types?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Skin type refers to the most frequently occurring environment of our skin. In general, there are four different skin types: normal, dry, oily, and combination. The most common skin type is combination. This means that your T zone tends to be more oily than your cheeks and other parts of the face. Skin type can vary based on your environment, lifestyle, and the products you use. Each skin type requires different standards of care. When considering this, patients may wonder, “is PRP microneedling safe for all skin types?”

Microneedling–including PRP microneedling–is perfectly safe for every skin type. However, every skin type will react differently to the treatment. For example, dry skin may flake or become more irritated after treatment than normal or combination skin. This is normal because especially dry skin may already be sensitive. 

Sensitive skin can occur with any of the four skin types. When skin is classed as “sensitive”, it tends to react more to products and treatments. This may mean that your skin looks and feels more irritated following microneedling in Seattle. You can still undergo PRP microneedling if you have sensitive skin, though your master esthetician will adjust the procedure and aftercare accordingly.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also contact us online using our contact form or chat.

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PRP Microneedling Seattle: How Often Can You Do Microneedling With PRP?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling is a professional skincare and exfoliation treatment that induces collagen production. It is common to add platelet rich plasma to microneedling treatments to promote better and often quicker results. Similar to how the small punctures stimulate your body’s healing response, PRP is a substance present when the body is healing. This further stimulates collagen production and skin repair. With these powerful, possible results, patients often wonder: how often can you do microneedling with PRP?

As a general rule, our master estheticians recommend spacing out all esthetic procedures about four to six weeks apart. This will depend on the procedures and the specifics of your skincare needs. However, as an exfoliation treatment that does require some aftercare, it is best to space out PRP microneedling procedures every few weeks.

Some less invasive and non-irritating procedures like an oxygen facial can often be performed in the interim between PRP microneedling treatments. At a consultation with a master esthetician, they will put together a customized plan that may include microneedling with PRP. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online through chat or our contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About The Benefits Of PRP Facials

PRP Skin Bellevue: Benefits Of PRP Facials

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Facials have long served as a standard in professional skincare. Whether it be a spa facial meant to relax and cleanse the skin, or a medical facial meant to treat specific concerns, platelet rich plasma can add to these treatments. There are many benefits of PRP facials, especially when received regularly. 

PRP is known for stimulating the body to create more collagen. This increased collagen production can treat concerns like rough skin texture, acne scars, and poor quality skin. A popular treatment is microneedling with PRP. While not technically a facial, it can improve the skin with the same or better results as a medical grade facial.

At PRP In Seattle, our zombie laser peel can include PRP to provide added benefits. The peel gently resurfaces the skin with no downtime. The facial is already treating fine lines and wrinkles. When adding platelet rich plasma, the additional collagen production to the face can contribute to a reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The benefits of PRP facials can range from addressing minor issues to deep acne scarring. Your master esthetician can make a recommendation for your PRP facial regimen. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.