Platelet Rich PlasmaPRP Skin Care

PRP Microneedling vs. RF Microneedling

Microneedling has seen massive evolutions since it became popular in the early 2000s. First, the addition of platelet rich plasma led to faster healing and could reduce the number of treatments needed to see results. More recently the addition of radiofrequency technology allows microneedling to become even more effective and powerful. So, which is better: PRP microneedling vs. RF microneedling?

Both PRP microneedling and RF microneedling can provide fantastic results. Patients who are a good candidate for one are also likely a candidate for the other. So, how do you choose? Your master esthetician will help you determine which will benefit your skin most, but let’s look at the major differences between the two procedures. 

PRP microneedling supercharges traditional microneedling and helps rejuvenate your skin quicker and better. It is great for addressing surface and just below the surface damage and scarring. Radiofrequency technology is already used to mildly tighten sagging skin. RF microneedling offers some skin tightening qualities that traditional and PRP microneedling do not offer. 

Radiofrequency energy also penetrates deeper into the skin. Therefore, for deeper sun damage, scarring, and concerns, RF microneedling may be the better choice. To schedule a free consultation with a master esthetician, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out to us online via chat or contact form.

Dr. Jonov is a specialist in cosmetic surgery, focusing on procedures for the face, breast, and body at PRP in Seattle Seattle.