What Are The Side Effects Of Botox In The Forehead?

By | PRP Injections, PRP Skin Care

After trying different cosmetic products (creams, moisturizers, serums, etc.) that swear up and down, they’ll help make wrinkles less noticeable; you still haven’t seen an impact. You aren’t sure what step to take next other than plastic surgery, and you’re not convinced that’s right for you. Besides, it’s just your forehead wrinkles that are bothering you. You don’t want to have an operation just for that. So, what can you do?


The truth is that some hydrating creams do help your skin hold onto moisture. This can help your skin look and feel younger and more elastic; however, these products only treat the surface-level problem.


Your muscles are the real culprits behind your forehead wrinkles and lines. Say you frequently make facial expressions like frowning or lifting your eyebrows. These could make you prone to forehead wrinkles because you’ve been using the same muscles over and over for years. 


It’s hard to alter your muscle memory, especially when you can’t see what your face is doing.

We all have expressions that become natural to us when we’re resting, concentrating, listening, etc. What happens when those muscle contractions start to become permanent expressions? Botox can help with that.


Botox: How It Works

While the process of Botox is simple, the effects can be life-changing. From making you feel more confident to taking years off of your appearance, Botox can benefit your skin better–and faster–than topical cosmetic solutions. These injections don’t just treat the symptoms, and they treat the root problem.


Botox temporarily limits muscle movement in the target area. To treat forehead wrinkles, your injector will inject units of Botox into several spots across your forehead, helping the muscles relax. When the muscles relax, your forehead looks smoother and younger.

Common Side Effects Of Botox

Most Botox side effects are mild and only last a few days. Contact your healthcare provider if you have any severe side effects or allergic reactions.


  • Injection Site Reactions: You may have swelling, pain, or irritation at your injection sites.
  • Drooping Eyelids: If your provider uses too many units of Botox or injects units into the wrong muscles, you could end up with a drooping or sagging eyelid that could interfere with your vision.
  • Bruising: You might have some mild bruising in your forehead after Botox injections.
  • Bleeding: Any time a needle pricks your skin, you can have bleeding. It’s also possible for a small vein to get pricked by the needle and cause bleeding or bruising.
  • Upset Stomach: It’s surprising, but Botox can lead to a slightly upset stomach, such as nausea, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Infection: The small injection sites from your Botox session can get infected if you touch your face after treatment.
  • Dry Mouth: If you happen to notice your mouth or throat feel dry after Botox, it’s not your imagination; it’s a common side effect of injections.
  • Spreading: Occasionally, Botox can spread from the areas it’s supposed to treat. This can cause other parts of your face to droop.
  • Headache: You might develop a headache after your Botox session, but this is more common if your injections treat a medical condition.
  • Difficulty Swallowing: If you get too many units of Botox, it can spread to other muscles, including those that control your ability to swallow.


Get The Best Care And Botox Treatments

The best way to avoid side effects from Botox is to choose a qualified provider. It also helps to let your provider know if you’re taking any medications that could interfere with your injections. The providers at PRP in Seattle are professionally trained and capable of delivering satisfying results. Call us at (206) 279-2112 or schedule your consultation online.

Can You Exercise After Getting Botox?

By | PRP Injections, PRP Skin Care

You’re a runner–a weightlifter–a fighter–a yoga…er. The point is you like to exercise. Well, maybe you don’t like it, but you do it for your health or to be social and spend time with friends. Whatever your reasons for exercising, you want to know what might keep you from it. Sure, an injury or a full-blown surgical procedure will of course throw a wrench in your weekly activity plan. But what about a non-invasive cosmetic treatment like Botox?


Botox has been around for a long time. It’s safe and has a well-known history of positive results and outcomes. You’ve heard plenty about it and probably seen results on some of your friends or family members. You’re not worried about what other people will think if you get Botox. But you’ve never taken the plunge. The question is: Why not? 


You’ve wanted to do something about the wrinkles on your face for some time now. Maybe you haven’t had Botox injections because you’re busy, haven’t found a clinic you trust, or haven’t had a minute to think about adding anything extra to your to-do list. The good news? Botox isn’t a strenuous commitment. Yes, you’ll need follow-up injections, but each session is about thirty minutes out of your day. It only takes the equivalent of your lunch break (or less) or your favorite sitcom run time to get the younger-looking face you want. And the best part? You can get back to work, errands, home, or your kids without any downtime–except when it comes to exercise.


Why Do You Need To Wait To Exercise After Botox Injections?

There’s a short period after Botox when you should avoid exercising. Why? Well, Botox is a liquid injectable. It can move around if you don’t give it time to settle into the right muscles. If it does shift, it can affect the wrong areas and temporarily impact other muscles, or at least make your results less noticeable and satisfying. 


Too much pressure in your head can lead to the risk of Botox moving and being less effective, too. Keeping your head elevated helps ensure you’ll get the full benefits of your session. This is another reason you should wait a while before working out. Exercise also promotes blood flow, and that’s not the best thing right after your injections. The goal is to let the Botox stay where it’s injected until it reaches its maximum effectiveness.


It’s not just exercise that puts pressure on your head. Lying down can move your Botox around too. It’s best not to nap for several hours, but you can still relax with a good book, a movie, or a nice meal and quality time with your friends or family.


When Can You Start Exercising After Botox?

Give yourself at least four hours after your injections before you do anything besides a leisurely walk around the block, or through the park, or to the–you get the idea. After four hours, you can do some light activity. Any strenuous exercise should wait until a full 24 hours after your session. That means no jogging, swimming, weightlifting, etc. Once you’ve hit the 24-hour mark, you’re free to do as you please, as long as your provider didn’t tell you otherwise.

Tips To Get The Best Results From Your Botox Session

What are some other things that can help you get the most out of your Botox session?

  • Don’t massage your face for a bit. It can make Botox spread to other muscles.
  • If your provider recommends facial exercises, make sure you do them. It can help you get the most out of your treatment.
  • Keep your skin hydrated by keeping your body hydrated.
  • If you have bruises after your injections, use a lightweight cold or ice pack. Remember to avoid pressure on your face.


Get High-Quality Botox And Treatment

When it comes to cosmetic treatments, we all want them to be quick, painless, and immediately effective so they give us the best outcome right away. Sounds too good to be true? Not necessarily. Your Botox injections can be fast, minimally painful, and leave you with instant results. Just make sure you postpone the cardio until the day after your session, and you’re good to go!

A Photo For A Blog Post About How Long Does It Take To Recover From Platelet Rich Plasma

Which Products Should Be Avoided After PRP Treatment?

By | PRP Injections

As with any cosmetic procedure, before and after care for PRP treatment is essential to a patient’s health and results. The surgeon you choose will provide detailed instructions on achieving the best outcome from your treatment. Often, this means avoiding certain practices or products for a period post-treatment. So, which products should be avoided after PRP treatment?

What Is PRP Treatment?

PRP is a minimally invasive treatment to restore hair growth to sections of the scalp with thinning hair. PRP, also known as platelet-rich plasma, is a component of blood containing a highly concentrated amount of platelets. This mixture of plasma and platelets forms a substance crucial to the regeneration of cells in the body.


Formulated from the patient’s blood, PRP begins by singling out the platelet-rich plasma and injecting it into the treatment areas. These doses of concentrated platelets promote growth in the areas where a patient has experienced significant hair loss. PRP signals the brain to produce new cells in the scalp, forming additional hair follicles.


Platelet-rich plasma injections are treatments with little recovery time, making them popular among patients desiring to see luscious hair growth without downtime.


What To Avoid After PRP Treatment?

While recovery is quick, there are a few post-treatment care instructions to follow–and products to avoid–after PRP treatment.


  • Harsh Shampoo: Avoid washing your hair for 24 hours after treatment. Refrain from using hair cleansers with an alcohol or chemical base for three days after treatment. Instead, opt for a mild pH-balanced shampoo.
  • Chemical Hair Products: Chemicals can disrupt your scalp’s natural moisture and cause dryness and irritation to the injection sites. Wait at least 6 hours before using any hair products.
  • Medications: Blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, can increase bruising and swelling. It’s best to avoid these for at least three days, but a week is ideal.
  • Alcohol & Tobacco: Smoking and drinking can cause adverse effects while your scalp is recovering and producing new cells. Avoid these for at least three days post-treatment.


Avoiding these products after treatment will ensure a patient’s health and help produce satisfying results.

PRP Treatment In Seattle, Washington

If hair restoration is part of your resolution list for the new year, PRP in Seattle can help you achieve your goal and check it off your list. Our skilled team of providers is ready to assist you in transforming your look–and your life. Call us today at 206-279-2112 to schedule a consultation, or contact us online for more information.

A Photo For A Blog Post About, "How Long Do PRP Under Eye Injections Last?"

How Long Do PRP Under Eye Injections Last?

By | PRP Injections

PRP injections are a popular treatment for both cosmetic concerns and long-term injuries. Many practices perform PRP under-eye injections to promote a decrease in under-eye wrinkles, puffiness, and shadows. By increasing collagen production and blood flow to the target area, PRP injections for the under eye can provide dramatic results for many patients. But how long do they last? 

The longevity of PRP injections depends on various factors that range from the patient’s metabolism and genetics to the intensity of the cosmetic challenges under the eyes, which can determine how long the results will remain. Typically, patients who require less significant treatment for their under eyes experience slightly longer than those with significant wrinkles or eye bags.

However, despite cosmetic issues, PRP injections for the under eye can last for nine months to two years. The expert providers at PRP in Seattle recommend scheduling a yearly maintenance session to keep up with the incredible results. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out via chat or contact form. 

A Photo For A Blog Post About, "Does Insurance Cover PRP?"

Does Insurance Cover PRP?

By | Hair Restoration, PRP Injections

PRP injections for cosmetic challenges offer incredible benefits for many patients. Many patients experience beautiful restoration to their hair or completely rejuvenate their skin. However, the treatments can seem expensive, and many wonder if PRP injections are covered by insurance. 

Unfortunately, PRP injections are not covered by insurance. This is because it has been FDA-approved as a cosmetic treatment. However, this is only because PRP is relatively new to the world of hair loss and cosmetic restoration, but the success rate of the treatment speaks for itself. While insurance may not cover PRP, it’s more cost-effective than other hair loss solutions or facial procedures. Getting ahead of your hair loss can prevent significant and costly procedures like a hair transplant. 

Most patients only require one maintenance treatment a year after the initial injections, so the upkeep is not unmanageable. Additionally, many providers offer specials and payment plans to help every patient achieve their hair restoration goals. 

At PRP in Seattle, the providers work with all patients to help them plan for PRP treatments and receive the best hair restoration. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About, "When Is The Best Time To Start PRP Hair Injections"

When Is The Best Time To Start PRP Hair Injections?

By | Hair Restoration, PRP Injections

PRP hair restoration therapy can provide thick, voluminous hair for patients with hair loss. While there is no perfect time to begin PRP injections for thinning hair, many patients wonder if there is a better time than others to start the treatment. 

Typically, the patients who benefit from PRP injections the most begin the therapy in their early thirties. In your early thirties, your hair follicles will respond better to the injections and produce more hair than other patients. Patients over thirty-five have sometimes reached a point in their hair loss that PRP injections cannot reverse. However, that is not always the case, as each patient has unique needs and goals. There have been many successful PRP hair restorations for patients over the age of thirty-five. 

Overall, the best time to start PRP injections for hair loss is when your hair begins to thin, or your hairline starts to recede. The faster you can begin treatment at the first signs of hair loss, the more successful the PRP injections will be. Before getting PRP hair restoration treatment, talking to your provider to see what would work best for you is crucial to ensure it’s the best option.  

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online at https://www.prpinseattle.com/about-dr-jonov/.     

A Photo For A Blog Post About "How Many Times A Year Should You Do PRP Hair Injections?"

How Many Times A Year Should You Do PRP Hair Injections?

By | Hair Restoration, PRP Injections

PRP injections are a safe and effective way to promote natural hair growth for those suffering from thinning hair. Patients who seek PRP hair injections typically undergo three sessions, spaced about six weeks apart, to see the best results. They can be extremely beneficial to those who want fuller, healthier hair.  But do you have to maintain PRP injections? If so, how many times a year should you get PRP hair injections? 

The consistency of maintenance depends on each individual patient. The severity of hair loss, genetics, and age affect the maintenance required with PRP hair injections. However, typically it’s recommended to get one to two PRP injections every year to keep up with the results. Maintenance treatments every six to twelve months are all that’s typically needed to keep the results from the initial three sessions. 

Dr. Jonov can recommend his expert advice on your specific maintenance based on your needs and anatomy. Maintenance for PRP hair injections is not extensive and is relatively easy to keep up with. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online at https://www.prpinseattle.com/about-dr-jonov/.    

A Photo For A Blogpost About "Does PRP Have Long-Term Side Effects?" PRP

Does PRP Have Long-Term Side Effects?

By | Hair Restoration, PRP Injections

Many people seeking PRP injections for hair loss have concerns about the longevity of the treatment and any negative side effects that could stem from the injections. If they are long-lasting, why are they packaged? What are the risks involved? 

PRP or platelet-rich plasma injections are made up of blood cells that have more platelets than normal. They promote healing, regeneration, and growth throughout the body. This makes them a great solution for hair loss, or an alternative to filler injections. 

PRP therapy is priced in packages by many clinics, including PRP in Seattle, to ensure the therapy has long-lasting results. Patients who have multiple sessions, after the first one begins to fade, see results that last up to two years. Maintaining PRP injections is easy, and does not require monthly treatments, and the effects are well worth the sessions. 

While rare, there are a few long-term side effects of PRP injections, such as scar tissue, injury to the blood vessels, and injury to the nerve. Most of these long-term side effects can be avoided with a leading, PRP therapy clinic like PRP in Seattle. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online at https://www.prpinseattle.com/about-dr-jonov/.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Is PRP Better Than Botox

Is PRP Better Than Botox?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma and Botox injections both serve as possible cosmetic injection options. They can often complement each other and patients may be interested in understanding what exactly each does to determine which may best work for them. Let’s look at the commonly asked question, “Is PRP better than Botox?”

The answer to this question is not as straightforward as yes or no. The reason for this is that they generally serve different purposes. Botox targets facial muscles to help reduce dynamic wrinkles on the skin. PRP acts similarly to filler. When injected, it helps stimulate a collagen response to naturally fill in and disguise wrinkles.

PRP may provide some semblance of permanent results while Botox may help permanently reduce wrinkles with regular use. Therefore, one is not really better than the other. If wanting to address static wrinkles and skin quality, platelet rich plasma is likely the best treatment. However, if you want to reduce wrinkles in the long term and dynamic wrinkles like frown lines, Botox is likely the best choice.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo for a Blog Post About Can PRP Injections Cause Blood Clots

Can PRP Injections Cause Blood Clots?

By | Platelet Rich Fibrin, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma’s job within the blood is to help it clot at the site of an injury. Therefore, as a clotting agent, this can make some patients a little hesitant about injecting it into their body. Let’s look at the question, “Can PRP injections cause blood clots?”

The risk of PRP injections causing blood clots is astronomically low. Just like any typical injection, the chances of platelet rich plasma causing any issues with the actual function of your blood is unlikely. Additionally, with traditional PRP injections, an anti-coagulant is added to the PRP to prevent any unwanted or unnecessary clotting.

PRF—another derivative of PRP—does not contain an anti-coagulant. There usually is a visible clot within the PRF. This does mean it comes with a very slightly elevated risk of blood clots than when compared with PRP. However, this is exceptionally rare. If a patient is prone to blood clots or has certain blood diseases, they will want to report this to their provider so a proper treatment plan can be devised.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out online via chat or contact form.