As more and more non-surgical alternatives for traditional plastic surgeries become viable and available, these non-surgical options continue to be revolutionized. PRP In Seattle offers a non-surgical Brazilian butt lift that utilizes platelet rich plasma to promote collagen production in the buttocks. It works just like and uses many of the same materials as a traditional non-surgical BBL.
At PRP In Seattle, our plastic surgeons often combine PRP derived from your blood and mix it with Sculptra, ACell, and/or donated placenta cells. This unique combination provides some immediate augmentation, but they also stimulate collagen production. This new collagen can cause long lasting volume and promote results for months following the procedure.
Many patients ask, “Does it work?” In our experience, we find that many patients find good results after a non-surgical Brazilian butt lift with PRP. Every patient’s body will respond slightly differently and patient’s will naturally see varying results. Your metabolism and lifestyle greatly affect your results. Additionally, you should follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions carefully to promote the best and longest lasting results.
To learn more about the non-surgical BBL or schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.