A Photo For A Blog Post About, "How Long Do PRP Under Eye Injections Last?"

How Long Do PRP Under Eye Injections Last?

By | PRP Injections

PRP injections are a popular treatment for both cosmetic concerns and long-term injuries. Many practices perform PRP under-eye injections to promote a decrease in under-eye wrinkles, puffiness, and shadows. By increasing collagen production and blood flow to the target area, PRP injections for the under eye can provide dramatic results for many patients. But how long do they last? 

The longevity of PRP injections depends on various factors that range from the patient’s metabolism and genetics to the intensity of the cosmetic challenges under the eyes, which can determine how long the results will remain. Typically, patients who require less significant treatment for their under eyes experience slightly longer than those with significant wrinkles or eye bags.

However, despite cosmetic issues, PRP injections for the under eye can last for nine months to two years. The expert providers at PRP in Seattle recommend scheduling a yearly maintenance session to keep up with the incredible results. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out via chat or contact form. 

A Photo For A Blog Post About, "Does Insurance Cover PRP?"

Does Insurance Cover PRP?

By | Hair Restoration, PRP Injections

PRP injections for cosmetic challenges offer incredible benefits for many patients. Many patients experience beautiful restoration to their hair or completely rejuvenate their skin. However, the treatments can seem expensive, and many wonder if PRP injections are covered by insurance. 

Unfortunately, PRP injections are not covered by insurance. This is because it has been FDA-approved as a cosmetic treatment. However, this is only because PRP is relatively new to the world of hair loss and cosmetic restoration, but the success rate of the treatment speaks for itself. While insurance may not cover PRP, it’s more cost-effective than other hair loss solutions or facial procedures. Getting ahead of your hair loss can prevent significant and costly procedures like a hair transplant. 

Most patients only require one maintenance treatment a year after the initial injections, so the upkeep is not unmanageable. Additionally, many providers offer specials and payment plans to help every patient achieve their hair restoration goals. 

At PRP in Seattle, the providers work with all patients to help them plan for PRP treatments and receive the best hair restoration. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About How Long Should You Rest After PRP Injection

How Long Should You Rest After PRP Injection?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

How Long Should You Rest After PRP Injection?

After you undergo a platelet rich plasma injection of any kind, your provider may recommend not exercising or partaking in strenuous activities for a period of time. While the injections do not require a recovery as surgery would, avoiding exercise can help reduce side effects such as redness, swelling, and bruising. So, how long should you rest after a PRP injection?

Depending on the type of PRP injections you undergo, the rest recommendations will vary. Generally, two to three days at most is the time when you cannot do any strenuous activity. However, your normal activities like basic housework and shopping are typically okay as long as you do not begin sweating or become out of breath.

Also, while the exercise limitations after surgery serve many purposes, with cosmetic PRP injections it is meant mainly to reduce side effects and discomfort. However, if you sweat, you do have a higher risk of infection if it gets into the injection sites. Still, this is fairly rare, but it is best to avoid strenuous workouts for a couple of days.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP Under Eyes Hurt?

Does PRP Under Eyes Hurt?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Under eye injections–especially dermal fillers–is known to be a rather sensitive treatment area. It is not overly painful, but can be more painful than other types of filler injections. However, when using platelet rich plasma under the eyes, does this still cause the same amount of pain? Does PRP under eyes hurt?

The answer depends on the individual patient. Each patient’s pain tolerance and ability to bear the procedure will depend. Although, since PRP is a thinner substance than most fillers and comes from the patient’s own body, this does reduce the chances of painful reactions or complications. While rare, many of these risks are reduced or non-existent with PRP under eye injections. 

The injections themselves are comparable to filler injections. Though, it may not hurt as much due to PRP’s thinner consistency. That said, many patients still opt for the topical numbing cream to take the edge off any possible discomfort. Afterward, patients may feel some discomfort from bruising, but this is generally limited and handled well with Tylenol.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online via chat or contact form.