PRP injections are a popular treatment for both cosmetic concerns and long-term injuries. Many practices perform PRP under-eye injections to promote a decrease in under-eye wrinkles, puffiness, and shadows. By increasing collagen production and blood flow to the target area, PRP injections for the under eye can provide dramatic results for many patients. But how long do they last?
The longevity of PRP injections depends on various factors that range from the patient’s metabolism and genetics to the intensity of the cosmetic challenges under the eyes, which can determine how long the results will remain. Typically, patients who require less significant treatment for their under eyes experience slightly longer than those with significant wrinkles or eye bags.
However, despite cosmetic issues, PRP injections for the under eye can last for nine months to two years. The expert providers at PRP in Seattle recommend scheduling a yearly maintenance session to keep up with the incredible results.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out via chat or contact form.