A Photo For A Blog Post About, "Hair For The Holidays Through PRP"

Hair For The Holidays Through PRP

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

We all desire a full head of luscious hair that doesn’t show signs of thinning. And while hair loss can be frightening, PRP injections may help you achieve those goals. Platelet-rich plasma injections have incredible regenerative properties that allow patients to experience hair growth and complete restoration in many areas. When used for hair loss, you can experience that stunning head of hair just in time for the holidays. 

PRP for hair restoration stimulates the blocked hair follicles and encourages new hair growth. It can also prevent new hair loss through the regeneration and new cells it provides. PRP is comprised of two key components that promote cell generation. It uses our natural blood and separates the red blood cells from the rich plasma. It’s then spun in a centrifuge to separate them and reinjected back into the scalp. The rich plasma and blood cells work internally to create new, healthier cells that trigger the dead hair follicles. PRP can be a transformative treatment that allows you to restore your hair and your confidence. 

At PRP in Seattle, our providers understand the importance of natural hair regeneration and work to provide the best PRP hair restoration for every patient. To get your hair restored for the holidays, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out via chat or contact form.

Photo For A Blog Post About The Recovery After A Non-Surgical BBL In Seattle

Recovery After A Non-Surgical BBL In Seattle

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

A non-surgical Brazilian butt lift does not require surgery or general anesthesia. However, it does necessitate a short recovery period and some instructions to promote the best results. Your plastic surgeon will make sure you understand the instructions for your recovery after a non-surgical BBL.

Firstly, you will need someone to drive you home after the procedure. Some patients choose to take an oral sedative, which impairs their senses enough that they are unfit to drive. Even if no sedative is taken, patients should not drive as it may be uncomfortable immediately following the procedure.

Secondly, you should refrain from sitting on your buttocks for at least 24 hours. Your plastic surgeon can provide the ideal timeline based on your procedure. It takes time for the PRP, filler, or other components to settle and sitting could cause them to become misplaced.

Thirdly, some side effects from the injections are expected and normal. These can include: swelling, bruising, redness, and pain at the injection site. Based on the size of Zombie BBL or non-surgical BBL you wanted, there may be some immediate results. This will vary by patient and results should become more visible in the coming months.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Javad Sajan or Dr. Craig Jonov, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.