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What Can I Do Instead Of Hair Transplant Surgery?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Fibrin, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair transplant surgery—while much less invasive and more effective than it used to be—patients usually want to explore options other than hair transplantation. Unfortunately, at a certain point of hair loss, a hair transplant becomes the only effective option. However, if you have not yet reached that point, there are several non-surgical options. So, “What can I do instead of hair transplant surgery?”

The first option is topical treatments. This usually comes in the form of specialized shampoos, or a foam you apply once a day. These options are effective for people who have not seen extensive hair loss, but are in the early stages. They are commonly used with other non-surgical options. 

PRP and PRF hair restoration is the next step up. This involves realigning your growth factors so that you have more in the skin of your scalp. From there, this can help repair damaged hair follicles and slow the progression of hair loss. Many patients will undergo these treatments while using a topical treatment.

More recent studies have shown that low level laser therapy has shown promise in promoting hair growth. Though, it may be a better used as a supplement than as a sole hair restoration treatment. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Is It Possible To Regrow Hair Without Transplant?

By | Hair Restoration

Hair restoration makes up an important part of the medical and aesthetic industries. People—especially men—want to prevent hair loss and maintain their hair for as long as possible. In the past, the only way to effectively restore hair long term was hair transplant surgery, which still is performed today (albeit an improved version). So, is it possible to regrow hair without transplant?

The answer depends on a few factors. First, what is the cause of hair loss? Hair loss due to genetics, age, certain medical treatments, and medical conditions can sometimes be restored without surgery. Though, it often necessitates continued treatments over the course of several years. This could include topical medications or coming in once or twice a year for treatment. If the hair loss is due to trauma, restoration becomes more complicated.

Secondly, how advanced is the hair loss? The more advanced the hair loss, the more likely that surgery becomes necessary for long lasting results. If it is still early on, a patient may see success with non-surgical treatments.

Finally, what are the patient’s goals? Not every patient needs to restore an entire full head of hair. Some want to simply address their hairline or certain areas. The right treatment will depend on what exactly the patient wants to achieve.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Is PRP Recommended After Hair Transplant?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma hair restoration is normally recommended for younger patients beginning to experience hair loss. However, it can be used in other circumstances such as helping restore hair following cancer treatment or for hairline restoration. Many surgeons are now performing PRP hair injections following hair transplants. Is PRP recommended after hair transplant?

Hair transplant surgery is often the last resort for cosmetic hair restoration. It can address larger areas of hair loss than any non-surgical method. However, it is not uncommon for doctors to recommend continuing non-surgical hair therapies such as medications, laser therapy, or PRP. 

In the case of PRP, it can help the healing in the area as well as repair damaged hair follicles. It can help hair come back quicker, thicker, and maintain the hair following surgery. While a hair transplant does last longer and has a lower chance of falling out, PRP prevents future hair loss following a transplantation procedure.

To learn more, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using chat or contact form.

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Benefits Of PRP Hair Restoration After Hair Transplant Surgery

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP hair restoration is considered among the most effective non-surgical hair restoration techniques. Though, a less common, but especially lucrative use of PRP hair injections is after hair transplant surgery. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of PRP hair restoration after hair transplant surgery.

Immediately after a hair transplant, it will take some number of weeks or months to see new hair growth. Final results can take a year in some cases. However, studies have shown that if patients undergo platelet rich plasma injections after their surgery, they often see faster, thicker, and better hair growth following hair transplant surgery.

It can also prevent and slow any future hair loss that could occur. While patients usually do not see widespread hair loss following hair transplant, it can happen and even just yearly treatments of PRP hair restoration can help men and women keep their transplanted longer and healthier.

To learn more about the benefits of PRP hair restoration injections, schedule a consultation by calling 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using chat or contact form.

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PRP Hair Restoration: How To Restore Hair?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair restoration comes in many forms. From surgical hair transplant to non-surgical PRP injections to prescription medications, there are many Seattle hair restoration methods available. With so many options, patients may become overwhelmed with the options and not know which ones are best for them. This can leave them simply asking, “How to restore hair?”

The right way to restore your hair will depend on the current state of your hair. If you have just started seeing hair loss and thinning, non-invasive treatments like prescription medications and PRP injections may provide the results you are looking for. If your hair loss is in more advanced stages, hair transplant surgery may be required. Occasionally, patients will find the best results from combining methods. For example, it is not uncommon for patients to take prescription medication after hair transplant surgery, or during PRP hair restoration. 

PRP hair restoration is a great option for men and women beginning to experience genetic hair loss. It can also supplement the results of hair transplant surgery and other hair restoration methods. Every hair restoration patients require a customized plan catered to their individual needs. 

To learn more Seattle hair restoration options and schedule a consultation with a hair loss specialist, call us at 206-430-1035. You can also reach us online using chat or our contact forms.

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PRP Hair Bellevue: Is PRP Better Than Hair Transplant?

By | Hair Restoration

Men and women looking for hair restoration solutions often become overwhelmed by the many options available. From over-the-counter and prescription medications to non-surgical and surgical options, it can be difficult to know where to start. The hair restoration experts at PRP In Seattle can guide you through finding the right hair restoration technique for you. One common question they hear is: is PRP better than hair transplant?

The answer to this question depends largely on the individual and their hair loss. For people who have advanced hair loss, hair transplantation surgery may be their best option. However, for patients experiencing the early signs of genetic hair loss, PRP hair restoration may be a way to avoid surgery. 

PRP hair restoration may not completely avoid surgery in the future, although it can slow hair loss and thinning. Often, if patients continue to annual PRP injection treatments, they may see their hair loss slow. Hair transplant surgery can treat more advanced hair loss, but also cannot guarantee permanent hair restoration. Therefore, PRP hair restoration may be a better solution for younger patients with the early signs of male or female pattern baldness.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also contact us online via the contact form or chat.

A Photo For A Blog Post About The Benefits Of PRP Hair Restoration After Hair Transplant Surgery

The Benefits Of PRP Hair Restoration After Hair Transplant Surgery

By | Hair Restoration

Hair transplant surgery is a great option for patients in the more advanced stages of hair loss. At this point, PRP hair restoration may not provide the results patients desire. But, what about after surgery? Can PRP hair restoration help retain hair after transplant surgery? 

The short answer is: yes! PRP hair restoration can contribute to continued hair retention and growth after hair transplantation. It is best to wait until hair grafts are fully secure and the scalp healed from surgery to begin PRP injection therapies. Due to the previous hair restoration surgery, patients seeking PRP after hair transplant will likely need only a couple touch up treatments per year. Although, this will vary based on the patient and is best determined during a consultation. 

PRP hair restoration works by stimulating collagen production in the scalp. This can maintain the quality of hair follicles as well as repair damaged ones. While hair transplant surgery restores lost hair, it often cannot fully stop hair loss because the causes are usually genetic. Using PRP hair restoration after hair transplant can lead to reduced loss over time and overall slow down the rate of loss.

To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.

A Photo For A Blog Post About The History Of Hair Restoration

History Of Hair Restoration

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair loss has afflicted humans for generations. However, it was only within the past century or so that medical treatments have become available to treat hair loss. The history of hair restoration includes both surgical and non-surgical methods, and luckily led us to the high tech hair restoration we have today. 

Throughout history, men and women experiencing hair loss either did nothing, or used means to over their thinning or balding hair. This included wearing wigs and toupees. Various topical treatments were touted to help regrow hair, but these were not scientifically backed solutions. 

It wasn’t until the 1930’s when a Japanese dermatologist first performed a hair restoration surgery. Plastic surgeons and dermatologists continued to evolve this surgery and it was the standard of hair restoration until recently. First, the surgery became a series of “plugs” that did not provide a natural looking result. Finally, it evolved into the FUT and, more common today, FUE methods. These methods are still used today. 

As far as PRP hair restoration, this began with the introduction of PRP into the medical world. First used for therapeutic uses and in surgery, plastic surgeons soon discovered it’s potential for repairing hair follicles and treating thinning hair. Within the past decade, this method has grown in popularity and is often the first line of defense against hair loss. The history of hair restoration and PRP are inextricably linked.

To schedule a consultation, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.