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Causes Of Hair Loss & What PRP Hair Restoration Can Treat

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair loss is often associated with aging or illness. While these are two reasons hair falls out, there are many other causes of hair loss. Luckily, with the many PRP hair restoration options, many causes of hair loss can be treated with non-surgical methods. 

As mentioned above, age is frequently associated with hair loss, especially in men, known as male pattern baldness. Age is the leading cause of lost and thinning hair.. In these cases, a person will experience slowly thinning hair, sometimes beginning in their early 20s. Most of the time, PRP hair restoration is a great way to discourage thinning hair and keep hair longer. You must start treatments before completely bald because the treatment becomes ineffective once hair follicles become fully inactive aka baldness.

Genetics also play a role in hair loss. For those predisposed to lose their hair, they may start younger than others. If caught early, PRP hair restoration can reduce the amount of hair loss seen. 

Other causes of hair loss include medical conditions and hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, certain medications and treatments, stress, and even some hairstyles. Normally, once these conditions or situations are addressed, the hair will begin to come back (although likely different from before). PRP hair restoration may supplement this process or treat bald or thinning spots. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP in Seattle, call us (206) 279-2112 or contact us online. 

Maintaining Hair After Seattle Hair Restoration

How To Maintain Hair After PRP Hair Restoration

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Maintaining hair restored after a treatment like platelet rich plasma hair restoration can pose a challenge, or some anxiety about losing more hair. Luckily, there are many ways to promote and maintain healthy hair. 

Firstly, our plastic surgeons and injectors recommend yearly touch up treatments. This recharges the PRP and stem cells in your body which keeps your hair and scalp healthy. Some may require more touch up treatments than others. Your provider can help you determine the optimal schedule for your hair restoration treatments and touch ups. 

Secondly, using over-the-counter hair growth options can help maintain hair after treatment. These options may not work for some patients, however, if you had moderate success with these products in the past, they may help keep your results looking healthy and full. 

Finally, laser caps can keep your hair follicles stimulated between PRP treatments and after you stop getting regular injections. Wearing the cap just a few minutes everyday can contribute to a fuller head of hair.

To schedule a consultation with a PRP provider in Seattle, call us at 206-324-1120 or contact us online.