PRP Injections

Which Products Should Be Avoided After PRP Treatment?

As with any cosmetic procedure, before and after care for PRP treatment is essential to a patient’s health and results. The surgeon you choose will provide detailed instructions on achieving the best outcome from your treatment. Often, this means avoiding certain practices or products for a period post-treatment. So, which products should be avoided after PRP treatment?

What Is PRP Treatment?

PRP is a minimally invasive treatment to restore hair growth to sections of the scalp with thinning hair. PRP, also known as platelet-rich plasma, is a component of blood containing a highly concentrated amount of platelets. This mixture of plasma and platelets forms a substance crucial to the regeneration of cells in the body.


Formulated from the patient’s blood, PRP begins by singling out the platelet-rich plasma and injecting it into the treatment areas. These doses of concentrated platelets promote growth in the areas where a patient has experienced significant hair loss. PRP signals the brain to produce new cells in the scalp, forming additional hair follicles.


Platelet-rich plasma injections are treatments with little recovery time, making them popular among patients desiring to see luscious hair growth without downtime.


What To Avoid After PRP Treatment?

While recovery is quick, there are a few post-treatment care instructions to follow–and products to avoid–after PRP treatment.


  • Harsh Shampoo: Avoid washing your hair for 24 hours after treatment. Refrain from using hair cleansers with an alcohol or chemical base for three days after treatment. Instead, opt for a mild pH-balanced shampoo.
  • Chemical Hair Products: Chemicals can disrupt your scalp’s natural moisture and cause dryness and irritation to the injection sites. Wait at least 6 hours before using any hair products.
  • Medications: Blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, can increase bruising and swelling. It’s best to avoid these for at least three days, but a week is ideal.
  • Alcohol & Tobacco: Smoking and drinking can cause adverse effects while your scalp is recovering and producing new cells. Avoid these for at least three days post-treatment.


Avoiding these products after treatment will ensure a patient’s health and help produce satisfying results.

PRP Treatment In Seattle, Washington

If hair restoration is part of your resolution list for the new year, PRP in Seattle can help you achieve your goal and check it off your list. Our skilled team of providers is ready to assist you in transforming your look–and your life. Call us today at 206-279-2112 to schedule a consultation, or contact us online for more information.

Dr. Jonov is a specialist in cosmetic surgery, focusing on procedures for the face, breast, and body at PRP in Seattle Seattle.