A Photo For A Blog Post About Can You Stop DHT From Attacking Hair Follicles

Can You Stop DHT From Attacking Hair Follicles?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a male sex hormone that is essential for hair growth. This accounts for why those assigned males at birth tend to have more body hair. The hormone is present in both male and female people but exists in much higher levels in men. However, in certain people, DHT can begin to shrink hair follicles. This leads to what is referred to as genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness. So, can you stop DHT from attacking hair follicles?

The answer is not exactly. However, with various treatments and therapies, you can slow the effect that DHT has on hair follicles. Currently, there is no permanent reversal or treatment. One of the most effective therapies for people experiencing the early signs of male or female pattern baldness is PRP hair restoration

When a patient starts PRP hair restoration early enough, they can slow the progression of genetic hair loss. It helps repair damaged hair follicles to restore thinning hair. While PRP cannot permanently restore hair or reverse hair loss, it can help patients keep their hair longer.

Though, it is important to note that if a patient’s hair loss is too advanced, PRP hair restoration may not be as effective or provide the desired results. Your provider can determine whether platelet rich plasma is a viable option for your hair loss during a consultation. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About How Fast Does Hair Grow After PRP?

How Fast Does Hair Grow After PRP?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Using platelet rich plasma injections for hair restoration is becoming one of the most popular and effective methods for restoring genetic hair loss. Men and women who experience hair loss often want to see the largest amount of hair regrowth in the shortest amount of time possible. During a PRP hair consultation in Seattle, one of the most frequent questions our providers hear is, “How fast does hair grow after PRP?”

The answer to this question will differ for every patient based on their biology, medical history, and treatment plan. Since PRP takes time to stimulate collagen and hair regrowth in the scalp, most patients will not see new hair until after their second or third session. Over the coming weeks and months, patients can expect to see more hair growth. 

For some patients who are also using hair growth medications in conjunction with their PRP treatments may see results faster. Some patients with certain medical conditions may also see that it takes longer for them to see the results they want. Usually, about nine months to one year after the initial treatment is when patients see a noticeable difference. 

During your consultation, your provider will explain what you can expect from PRP hair restoration in Seattle. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online using our contact form or chat.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What You Should Avoid After PRP Hair Restoration

What You Should Avoid After PRP Hair Restoration

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Non-surgical hair restoration using platelet rich plasma does not require a full recovery like hair transplant surgery. However, patients do need to exercise some caution following PRP hair restoration injections to promote the best results. Here’s what you should avoid after PRP hair restoration.

First off, patients can usually return to work the same or the next day. You will want to limit your exercise and activity though because this can worsen swelling and bruising. Sweat getting into the injection sites can also cause infection. You should avoid these activities for at least two days post-treatment to keep yourself comfortable and prevent these side effects from occurring or worsening.

Secondly, immediately following treatment do not wet your hair or use any hair products. In most cases, it is safe to resume these activities after several hours, or the next morning. Your provider can discuss what is safe to use on your hair and scalp after PRP hair restoration in Seattle

Finally,  to promote the best results and healing, it is best to avoid alcohol and smoking in the days and weeks after treatment. Smoking, especially, hinders the healing process and it is best patients do not smoke during their entire PRP treatment regimen. Drinking is usually okay on occasion between treatments. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also contact us online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About PRP Hair Restoration For Women

Hair Restoration Kirkland: PRP Hair Restoration For Women

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair loss related to genetics and aging is usually associated with men. However, women also experience hair loss and thinning related to age and genetics. Like male pattern baldness which is a genetic condition that causes predictable hair loss patterns, female pattern baldness occurs in women.  Female pattern baldness typically occurs along the hair part in what is described as a Christmas tree pattern. In contrast from men, women usually do not experience a receding hairline. PRP hair restoration for women can treat female pattern baldness and slow hair loss.

When treating female hair loss, your Seattle PRP injector will customize the injection sites to fit the pattern of hair loss. While PRP cannot reverse genetics, it can slow the pattern of hair thinning and restore some of the lost hair. This promotes fuller looking hair for longer.

Other than treating differing areas, PRP hair restoration for women is similar to the treatment for men. Many patients see results after four sessions and some choosing to continue maintenance treatments to prevent future hair loss.

The majority of PRP hair therapy patients are men because their hair loss is usually more evident and visible. However, many women struggle with hair thinning and loss without  non-surgical hair restoration options catered to them. To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online

Photo For Blog Post About The Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Leading Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

By | Hair Restoration

The battle against hair loss heavily focuses on men. In fact, many believe that men are simply more likely to lose their hair. However, men and women have a similar likelihood of losing their hair. So, why are men the focus of the hair loss conversation? A large factor is that men’s hair loss is usually more noticeable because they have less of it and men with male pattern baldness begin losing hair at the hairline. The causes of hair loss in women can be similar or completely different from men.

Additionally, like male pattern baldness, women can be genetically predisposed to female pattern baldness. This is among the most common causes of hair loss in women. Women with female pattern baldness tend to lose hair in a “Christmas tree” pattern along the scalp, often following the part in their hair. Therefore, this can make the thinning less obvious at first. 

Just like in men, other factors can influence when and how much hair loss occurs. Genetics, stress, medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, diet, medications, and mental illness can all impact the rate of hair loss. At PRP In Seattle, we can evaluate your unique pattern and cause of hair loss to determine the best hair restoration option. PRP hair restoration is customizable and can minimize thinning hair. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.

Blog Post Photo For Post About Causes Of Hair Loss

Causes Of Hair Loss & What PRP Hair Restoration Can Treat

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair loss is often associated with aging or illness. While these are two reasons hair falls out, there are many other causes of hair loss. Luckily, with the many PRP hair restoration options, many causes of hair loss can be treated with non-surgical methods. 

As mentioned above, age is frequently associated with hair loss, especially in men, known as male pattern baldness. Age is the leading cause of lost and thinning hair.. In these cases, a person will experience slowly thinning hair, sometimes beginning in their early 20s. Most of the time, PRP hair restoration is a great way to discourage thinning hair and keep hair longer. You must start treatments before completely bald because the treatment becomes ineffective once hair follicles become fully inactive aka baldness.

Genetics also play a role in hair loss. For those predisposed to lose their hair, they may start younger than others. If caught early, PRP hair restoration can reduce the amount of hair loss seen. 

Other causes of hair loss include medical conditions and hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, certain medications and treatments, stress, and even some hairstyles. Normally, once these conditions or situations are addressed, the hair will begin to come back (although likely different from before). PRP hair restoration may supplement this process or treat bald or thinning spots. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP in Seattle, call us (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.