A Photo For A Blog Post About How Long Does It Take To See PRP Facial Results

How Long Does It Take To See PRP Facial Results?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

A PRP facial can refer to a few different procedures including PRP microneedling or a traditional facial with platelet rich plasma added. This can help rejuvenate and improve the skin on the surface level and may help promote collagen production. However, immediately after, your skin is obviously not in the final state since the PRP is sometimes still visible on the skin. So, how long does it take to see PRP facial results?

Generally, after two weeks, you can consider the results of your PRP facial final. However, many patients undergo more than one facial to see longer term effects and better results overall. Thus, if you undergo a procedure such as the glow up package with PRP or plan to undergo a series of treatments, you may see some results following an individual procedure, but your final results will not come until a few weeks after your last PRP facial.

Meeting with a master esthetician can help you gain an understanding of when you can expect to see results following a PRP facial. For most people, the initial results of a singular treatment is between one and two weeks.

To learn more and schedule a free consultation with a master esthetician, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About When Do You See Results After PRP Microneedling

When Do You See Results After PRP Microneedling?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling with platelet rich plasma is considered one of the best treatments for a variety of skin concerns such as acne scars, wrinkles, and rough texture. However, it generally takes multiple sessions to see the best results. So, when do you see results after PRP microneedling?

Immediately after a microneedling session, your skin will likely look red and may feel tight for a few days. If it is your first session, you may notice an increased glow, but the more noticeable results will come with subsequent treatments. Often, patients see more dramatic results about a week following their second session, though some may need more to see such results.

Usually, our master estheticians recommend an initial round of three sessions spaced about four to six weeks apart. This promotes optimal results and will help them gauge the number of future sessions and how often you need them. Conditions that may warrant more sessions include surgical or injury scars and stretch marks.

To learn more and schedule a consultation with our master estheticians, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Is Microneedling With PRP Better

Is Microneedling With PRP Better?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling is known as an effective treatment for many skin concerns. However, new technologies and advancements have led to finding ways to improve the efficacy of microneedling even more. When considering their microneedling options, patients often ask us, “Is microneedling with PRP better?”

The answer is usually yes. Platelet rich plasma supercharges your body’s healing response which can improve the results of standard microneedling and help you heal faster. Microneedling creates micro-injuries that instigate your body’s healing response which produces more collagen, elastin, and other proteins which fill in acne scars, address sun damage, and more. 

When you choose to add PRP to microneedling, PRP is a substance that naturally occurs during the healing process. Therefore, it speeds up the response and supplements the healing for all around better results. There are times where traditional microneedling may be recommended over PRP, such as for those who cannot have their blood drawn, or those who only want to treat superficial or minor concerns.

However, microneedling with PRP is known to provide great results and treat a variety of skin conditions. Unlike other esthetic treatments, it is also safe and effective on all skin types and tones. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online using our chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About How Often Can You Do PRP Microneedling?

How Often Can You Do PRP Microneedling?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

PRP microneedling, also known as microneedling with PRP, is a treatment that creates microscopic injuries in the skin to promote new collagen production. Adding PRP to this treatment promotes faster and better healing because PRP is a substance present during wound healing. It is often one of the indicators that healing needs to occur. Due to the powerful results, this procedure can achieve, patients usually want to repeat the treatment. How often can you do PRP microneedling?

While–like with nearly every procedure–the answer will vary slightly depending on the individual patient, the average time between PRP microneedling in Seattle is about four to six weeks to allow the skin enough time to heal. There may be more time between microneedling sessions if you undergo other esthetic treatments such as chemical peels between your PRP microneedling appointments. 

Even during the most aggressive treatment plans, there are usually at least two weeks between PRP microneedling sessions. At two weeks, most, if not all side effects, should have subsided. Therefore, in some cases, your master esthetician may recommend your next treatment then. 

After a consultation with a master esthetician at PRP In Seattle, they can recommend the best treatment plan for your skin and goals. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-206-2112. You can also reach us online using our contact form or chat.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Microneedling With PRP vs. Without

Microneedling With PRP vs. Without

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling is a medical grade skincare treatment that makes small punctures in the skin to induce collagen production. The healing that takes place can reduce the appearance of acne scars, pigmentation issues, and smooth a rough texture. Since healing is taking place, master estheticians sometimes use platelet rich plasma to enhance this process. What is the difference between microneedling with PRP vs. without?

When you choose to add PRP to microneedling, the microneedling will push the platelet rich plasma deep into the skin. PRP is a component naturally present during the healing process and signals to your body that there is a wound that requires attention. Therefore, when your body senses this additional PRP, it will increase the blood flow, white blood cells, lymphocytes, and other necessary components for healing. 

Whether or not you utilize PRP, microneedling is a powerful treatment that can benefit nearly any skincare routine. However, if you have more severe acne scarring or concerns, PRP may provide an additional level of healing that can make further enhancements to the skin. At a consultation, your master esthetician can determine whether PRP microneedling or traditional microneedling will best meet your goals. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also connect with us online using chat or contact form.

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PRP Microneedling Seattle: How Often Can You Do Microneedling With PRP?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling is a professional skincare and exfoliation treatment that induces collagen production. It is common to add platelet rich plasma to microneedling treatments to promote better and often quicker results. Similar to how the small punctures stimulate your body’s healing response, PRP is a substance present when the body is healing. This further stimulates collagen production and skin repair. With these powerful, possible results, patients often wonder: how often can you do microneedling with PRP?

As a general rule, our master estheticians recommend spacing out all esthetic procedures about four to six weeks apart. This will depend on the procedures and the specifics of your skincare needs. However, as an exfoliation treatment that does require some aftercare, it is best to space out PRP microneedling procedures every few weeks.

Some less invasive and non-irritating procedures like an oxygen facial can often be performed in the interim between PRP microneedling treatments. At a consultation with a master esthetician, they will put together a customized plan that may include microneedling with PRP. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online through chat or our contact form.