A Photo For A Blog Post About PRP vs. Filler For Tear Troughs

PRP vs. Filler For Tear Troughs

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

The tear troughs–also known as the under eye area–be a tricky treatment area for injections, especially filler. Due to the thinner skin in the area, the under eyes are more susceptible to the Tyndall effect and typically require a more experienced injector to perform. Platelet rich plasma is another option patients have to fill in or rejuvenate the under eyes. What are the differences? Let’s compare PRP vs. filler for the tear troughs.

Platelet rich plasma induces collagen production and promotes healing in under eyes to naturally plump the area. A few benefits to this is that the risk of allergic reaction or rejection is almost zero. It is not susceptible to the Tyndall effect and carries fewer overall risks than filler. However, it typically requires multiple sessions to see full results and may not offer dramatic results. 

Dermal fillers can create nearly instantaneous and more noticeable results. For patients with especially deep hollows, dermal fillers may be preferred because it may take too many PRP sessions to see a result. However, there is slightly more risk with filler injections than PRP. Though fillers are still one of the safest and lowest risk cosmetic procedures.

At a consultation, your provider can discuss more about PRP vs. filler and which may be best for you. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP Under Eyes Hurt?

Does PRP Under Eyes Hurt?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Under eye injections–especially dermal fillers–is known to be a rather sensitive treatment area. It is not overly painful, but can be more painful than other types of filler injections. However, when using platelet rich plasma under the eyes, does this still cause the same amount of pain? Does PRP under eyes hurt?

The answer depends on the individual patient. Each patient’s pain tolerance and ability to bear the procedure will depend. Although, since PRP is a thinner substance than most fillers and comes from the patient’s own body, this does reduce the chances of painful reactions or complications. While rare, many of these risks are reduced or non-existent with PRP under eye injections. 

The injections themselves are comparable to filler injections. Though, it may not hurt as much due to PRP’s thinner consistency. That said, many patients still opt for the topical numbing cream to take the edge off any possible discomfort. Afterward, patients may feel some discomfort from bruising, but this is generally limited and handled well with Tylenol.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online via chat or contact form.

Blog Post For Filler vs. PRP For Tear Troughs

Filler vs. PRP For Tear Troughs

By | PRP Injections

The tear troughs are a famously tricky area to fill. Certain dermal fillers like Sculptra and Radiesse are not suitable for under the eyes. Traditionally, dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane provide volume to the area to correct the look of under eye bags, darkness, and hollowness. More recently, platelet rich plasma has begun to replace and enhance tear trough filler. Filler vs. PRP for tear troughs can be a difficult decision when trying to decide on the option best for you.

In the tear troughs, certain fillers can eventually look lumpy or migrate. While a risk with all fillers, the skin of the tear troughs can sometimes show it more than other filler areas. PRP can stimulate collagen to thicken and brighten the appearance of the skin, which can supplement dermal filler injections. 

PRP can also be injected on its own. It acts like a filler, except that it promotes collagen which can naturally volumize the area and lead to more permanent results. While it often takes multiple injections to see these results, once patients reach their desired results they no longer need regular injection appointments and may only require a few touch ups to maintain their results. Unlike dermal fillers that need refreshed every few months.

Since PRP comes from the patient’s blood, it does require more time and a blood draw to perform. This makes it a slightly more invasive procedure than fillers, but it can provide longer lasting results for the tear troughs. To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.

PRP For Tear Troughs in Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland

The Newest Treatment For Under Eye Circles: Platelet Rich Plasma

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Dark under eye circles are a common concern for many patients at PRP in Seattle. There are many treatments to correct the look of under eye circles including dermal fillers, surgical procedures, among others. However, at PRP in Seattle, we offer a revolutionary new injection treatment that fills in the tear trough area, while also encouraging collagen production in the area. 

Platelet rich plasma for tear troughs includes injecting PRP into the tear troughs which acts like a filler. Like a filler, PRP will eventually dissolve. The difference is that Platelet rich plasma will stimulate collagen and elastin production in the area. This can promote continued and improving results because if the collagen latches, it becomes a permanent fixture in the area.

PRP is one of the most modern regenerative treatments for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. It uses your body’s healing process and immune system to heal and create bodily structures. The platelet rich plasma specialists at PRP in Seattle will custom create an injection plan that fits your desires, medical history, and anatomy. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP in Seattle, call us at 206-324-1120 or contact us online.