A Photo For A Blog Post About How Long After Microneedling With PRP Can I Wash My Face

How Long After Microneedling With PRP Can I Wash My Face?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling with PRP is a procedure that makes tiny punctures on the surface of the skin to stimulate a collagen response. Thus, the face is often red and patients will need to alter their normal skincare routine to avoid irritation. A common question is, “How long after microneedling with PRP can I wash my face?”

Generally, it is best to skip washing your face on the day of treatment. By the next day, it is usually fine to resume washing your face. However, make sure to use a gentle cleanser and avoid cleansing too much. Avoid other forms of exfoliation for at least a week. Moisturizer is usually fine to continue once you cleanse, but harsh serums, retinol, and toner will need to be discontinued for around one to two weeks.

Your master esthetician will provide instructions based on your specific skin and procedure. They can also make recommendations on the type of cleanser to use and any other products that are safe to use. 

Microneedling with PRP is a fantastic procedure to help reduce the signs of aging and treat skin conditions such as acne scars and sun damage. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Does PRP Tighten The Face?

By | PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma provides several benefits to the face. Whether applied topically or injected, it can help rejuvenate the skin for a more youthful appearance as well as treat certain skin conditions. Those seeking aging treatment, often ask, “Does PRP tighten the face?”

PRP can help tighten the skin, but depending on the extent of the loose skin, patients may want to use other treatments in addition to PRP. For example, RF microneedling with PRP is one of the best treatments for helping to tighten the skin. However, PRP plays only a minor role in that process by speeding up the healing process and promoting longer lasting skin benefits.

Overall, patients see the best skin tightening results from PRP combined with microneedling. PRP injections can help produce more collagen and elastin to fill in wrinkles and hollows. Though, patients should have realistic expectations and know that it takes more sessions for a subtler result than dermal fillers.

If improving skin quality to treat or prevent loose skin, then a PRP treatment may be right. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out online via chat or contact form.

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How Long Does It Take To See PRP Facial Results?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

A PRP facial can refer to a few different procedures including PRP microneedling or a traditional facial with platelet rich plasma added. This can help rejuvenate and improve the skin on the surface level and may help promote collagen production. However, immediately after, your skin is obviously not in the final state since the PRP is sometimes still visible on the skin. So, how long does it take to see PRP facial results?

Generally, after two weeks, you can consider the results of your PRP facial final. However, many patients undergo more than one facial to see longer term effects and better results overall. Thus, if you undergo a procedure such as the glow up package with PRP or plan to undergo a series of treatments, you may see some results following an individual procedure, but your final results will not come until a few weeks after your last PRP facial.

Meeting with a master esthetician can help you gain an understanding of when you can expect to see results following a PRP facial. For most people, the initial results of a singular treatment is between one and two weeks.

To learn more and schedule a free consultation with a master esthetician, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Abpout Can Old Acne Scars Be Treated With PRP

Can Old Acne Scars Be Treated With PRP?

By | PRP Skin Care

Can Old Acne Scars Be Treated With PRP?

Acne scars are relatively common. Though, for some people, they can be extensive and significantly impact the look of the face or skin. Thus, acne scar removal and treatment are among the most commonly sought professional skincare services.  However, since acne scarring often is caused by acne in our teenage years, patients have concerns that it will not respond adequately to treatment. Can old acne scars be treated with PRP?

Yes, there are options for treating older acne scars. Additionally, when looking at procedures best for old scarring, PRP is one of the most effective. Thus, depending on the type of acne scars you have, your master esthetician will most likely recommend either PRP microneedling or PRP injections.

Both of these procedures help increase collagen production underneath and within the acne scars. This can help smooth out pitted acne scars and fill them in. Most acne scars will respond to some form of platelet rich plasma treatment.  If you have keloid acne scars, PRP is generally not the best treatment. 

To learn more about PRP acne scar treatment or to schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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When Do You See Results After PRP Microneedling?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling with platelet rich plasma is considered one of the best treatments for a variety of skin concerns such as acne scars, wrinkles, and rough texture. However, it generally takes multiple sessions to see the best results. So, when do you see results after PRP microneedling?

Immediately after a microneedling session, your skin will likely look red and may feel tight for a few days. If it is your first session, you may notice an increased glow, but the more noticeable results will come with subsequent treatments. Often, patients see more dramatic results about a week following their second session, though some may need more to see such results.

Usually, our master estheticians recommend an initial round of three sessions spaced about four to six weeks apart. This promotes optimal results and will help them gauge the number of future sessions and how often you need them. Conditions that may warrant more sessions include surgical or injury scars and stretch marks.

To learn more and schedule a consultation with our master estheticians, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Are PRP Injections or PRP Microneedling Better For Acne Scars

Are PRP Injections or PRP Microneedling Better For Acne Scars?

By | PRP Injections, PRP Skin Care

Acne scars are one of the biggest skin concerns among young people. Treating them can be frustrating and often requires professional, medical treatment. Platelet rich plasma is one such treatment that is showing promise for treating acne scars. So, are PRP injections or PRP microneedling better for acne scars?

The answer will vary based on each patient and the type of acne scarring they have. If you have rolling acne scars in several places, microneedling may work better, especially if not overly deep. Microneedling only penetrates the surface of the skin and thus it is ideal for these types of acne scars.

If you have larger acne scars or those that are deeply pitted, PRP injections may provide better results. Additionally, some people may undergo other injections for acne scars which can often be supplemented with PRP injections.

Ultimately, determining the right PRP treatment for acne scars will depend on your scarring, skin type, and other factors. To schedule a consultation with one of our master estheticians, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog About Is Microneedling With PRP Permanent

Is Microneedling With PRP Permanent?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling is a well known esthetic procedure that helps stimulate collagen production. A way to supercharge it is with platelet rich plasma—also known as PRP. Since PRP is integral to the natural healing process in the body, this causes your body to react faster and better improves the results of microneedling. Let’s look at the question, “Is microneedling with PRP permanent?”

While undergoing regular PRP microneedling sessions may make a permanent improvement in the quality of your skin, the procedure is generally not considered permanent. This is because if you do not undergo it regularly, the skin will eventually become damaged again. It also does not take as long when compared to surgical procedures.

However, microneedling with PRP can make a long lasting difference. For example, the treatment is often used to reduce the appearance of acne and surgical scars. These results may be effectively permanent in some cases. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Does PRP Microneedling Work For Stretch Marks?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Stretch marks occur when the skin stretches or contracts with weight gain, weight loss, pregnancy, and other conditions. Many people become self-conscious about their stretch marks and may use various topical products to help them fade. However, even with new stretch makes, these results are often minimal. Let’s look at another option and answer the question, “Does PRP microneedling work for stretch marks?”

First, it is essential to note that it is easiest to treat recent stretch marks. You will see more effective results, though older stretch marks can also be helped in some cases, but the results will not be as dramatic. When undergoing a PRP microneedling session, the treatment stimulates collagen over and around the stretch marks. This helps the skin heal and contract to fade the stretch marks over time.

It often takes several sessions for stretch marks since they are not a traditional scar or skin. Therefore, it can take much longer than usual to see results, even with this effective method. Some people choose to supplement with PRP injections to treat deeper into the skin. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Can You Combine RF Microneedling And PRP?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma is often combined with microneedling to provide better results and increase the quality of the skin. Other forms of microneedling, such as radiofrequency microneedling, provide the same results as traditional microneedling, but can also help tighten skin. Therefore, can you combine RF microneedling and PRP?

Yes, RF microneedling and PRP can complement each other. When applied during or after an RF microneedling session, PRP can help increase and improve the collagen response. Some worry that PRP after radiofrequency microneedling may cause extra irritation. This is unlikely since PRP comes from your own body and contains no added chemicals.

PRP can help soften the skin and reduce inflammation. They can also improve the overall quality of the skin. Platelet rich plasma can treat wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin tone, and skin texture. This makes it a great addition to RF microneedling to improve and supercharge the results.

To learn more and make an appointment, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out online using chat or our contact form.

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Can Microneedling With PRP Increase Facial Hair?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma, aka PRP, is frequently used to restore hair. However, at PRP In Seattle, we also use PRP during microneedling to improve skin quality. Hair loss does not just affect the top of the head. People can lose facial and eyebrow hair as well. Therefore, is microneedling with PRP a good treatment for this type of hair loss. Let’s take a deeper look into the question, “Can microneedling with PRP increase facial hair?”

In general, microneedling with PRP does not usually significantly increase facial hair production. Microneedling only reaches at most 2-3 millimeters into the skin. This is not enough to promote hair growth or repair the hair follicle. Though, it can improve the quality of the skin which is good for hair restoration. 

PRP hair restoration injections can be performed elsewhere. However, their effectiveness may wane depending on the cause of the hair loss. Surgical transplant in these areas is also possible. Your provider can discuss these possibilities with you during a consultation. 

With that said, PRP microneedling certainly does not harm facial hair regrowth. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.