A Photo For A Blog Post About How Long Does A Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Last

How Long Does A Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Last?

By | Hair Restoration

Non-surgical hair restoration is a great way for men and women to slow thinning and potentially see some hair regrowth. However, since hormone-resistant hairs are not placed in the area, further hair treatment will be necessary to continue retaining and restoring hair. So, how long does a non-surgical hair replacement last?

The most common non-surgical procedure used for hair restoration is platelet rich plasma injections. PRP helps stimulate a collagen and healing response. This helps repair damaged hair follicles while also promoting hair growth in areas beginning to thin. Normally, multiple sessions are necessary to maximize the response and provide the best results. 

After the initial round of treatments, patients may choose to seek out occasional PRP hair restoration treatments to help maintain their results. Also, patients are encouraged to continue any medications or topical solutions they take for hair growth as well. In general, if a patient uses PRP in combination with other treatments, they can expect to slow hair loss and enjoy results for several years.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Can A Receding Hairline Grow Back With PRP?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

A receding hairline is a common problem among men of all ages but becomes more of a problem as a man ages. Not only can this make a man look aged prematurely, but it can cause drops in self-confidence and mental distress. Thus, there are several hair restoration solutions presented to men experiencing a receding hairline. One of them is platelet rich plasma hair restoration. Let’s look at the question, “Can a receding hairline grow back with PRP?”

Platelet rich plasma injections can help repair hair follicles damaged by hormones—the driving force behind male pattern hair loss. However, it may only be able to restore some of the lost hair, especially if the hairline has receded significantly. Though, each patient will respond to the treatment differently and thus some may see more hair restoration than others.

In short, though, PRP can help restore a receding hairline. The injections can also help slow the process of hair loss. Younger men tend to respond better to treatment than older ones. Though, your provider can help you understand and gauge the results you can expect from PRP hair restoration in Seattle.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What Are Dos And Don’ts After PRP

What Are Dos And Don’ts After PRP

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Fibrin, Platelet Rich Plasma

What Are Dos And Don’ts After PRP

As a non-surgical hair restoration method, platelet rich plasma injections offer less downtime and recovery than a traditional hair transplant surgery. However, you do need still need to use caution to prevent damaging your results or promoting complications. Here are some dos and don’ts after PRP.

DO: Take It Easy

While you do not need to take time off work and can go about your daily activities, it is best to refrain from strenuous activities. Sweating can cause irritation and worsen swelling. Additionally, in rare cases, it can complicate results. Some people do choose to take a day or two off work, but this is not necessary.

DON’T: Shower For A Couple Of Days

Like with hair transplant surgery, you will want to wait to shower. Depending on your exact procedure, you generally can shower within 24 to 48 hours of your procedure. Your provider can better guide you on this. Still, you will want to be careful when doing so.

DO: Continue Using Other Hair Restoration Methods

After one to two days, you can resume using minoxidil or other at-home hair restoration methods. This can help improve your results over time.

DON’T: Drink Or Smoke

While not a surgical procedure, drinking and smoking can promote complications and hinder results from PRP and PRF hair restoration.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Hair

How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Hair?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma hair injections are a growing hair restoration method. As a non-surgical way to slow the progression of hair loss and thinning, many men and women seek out the treatment before more invasive options such as a hair transplant. However, knowing that multiple sessions are needed, they often ask, “How many PRP sessions are needed for hair?”

Generally, when you start a PRP hair regimen, your provider will recommend beginning with a round of four treatment sessions. Following these sessions, they will gauge the necessity for subsequent sessions. Some may be perfectly happy after four sessions and only require occasional touch-ups.

On average, people undergo between six and eight PRP hair sessions. Though, this is dependent on several factors such as the amount of hair loss or thinning you are experiencing, your age, goals for treatment, and the results seen after treatment. Some people may see amazing results in three or four sessions while others may find better results from other hair restoration methods.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Is There A Proven Way To Grow Hair

Is There A Proven Way To Grow Hair?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair loss is often exceedingly distressing and stressful for people who experience it, especially at a younger age. Therefore, many are willing to try various methods to grow their hair back and maintain it. A frequently asked question our PRP hair experts get is, “Is there a proven way to grow hair?”

Technically, no, no hair growth treatment, medication, or procedure is going to work for everyone. However, depending on the cause of hair loss, the extent of hair loss, and the age of the patient, there are hair restoration solutions with a good chance of working. Let’s look at some of the most effective hair restoration techniques.

PRP hair restoration is perfect for patients under 35 who are experiencing the earlier stages of genetic hair loss. It can slow the process and reverse some of the miniaturizations of the hair follicles. For older patients or those in more advanced stages, PRP may not be the best option. At a certain point, hair transplant surgery is the best option.

Hair loss medications are also effective for many patients. They can also be used alongside PRP hair restoration for the best results. To learn more about the right hair restoration method for you, schedule a consultation by calling 206-279-2112 or reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP Block DHT

Does PRP Block DHT?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a reproductive hormone found in men and women. Though, it is more associated with men and found in higher levels in men. While DHT is actually vital for hair growth around the body, it can end up miniaturizing the hair follicles on the scalp and cause pattern baldness. Your DHT levels do not need to be elevated to this, it all depends on the receptors and genetics. So, since PRP is an effective hair loss treatment, does PRP block DHT?

Platelet rich plasma does not block the production of DHT, but rather reverses its effects of it. Since DHT miniaturizes the hair follicles, PRP restores them to their normal size. This process does take time and is ongoing, which is why most PRP patients benefit from yearly PRP injection sessions to maintain their results.

Inhibiting DHT altogether is not recommended for all patients, especially women. Therefore, PRP and other non-surgical hair restoration treatments offer an effective way to reverse and slow the effects of DHT hair loss.

To learn more about PRP hair restoration and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Who Are Good Candidates For PRP Hair Injections

Who Are Good Candidates For PRP Hair Injections?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma is becoming one of the most utilized and sought after hair restoration treatments. It is especially helpful for men and women who are experiencing hair thinning but are not yet candidates for a hair transplant surgery. However, much like a surgical procedure, there are a small number of patients who are not good candidates for PRP hair restoration. Let’s take a look at the question, “Who are good candidates for PRP hair injections?” and if you may qualify.

First off, since platelet rich plasma injections are a non-surgical procedure, they have a much larger candidates pool than hair transplant surgery. Though, there are still situations and medical conditions that may hinder your ability to undergo PRP hair restoration. Looking at the more common reason patients are not good candidates: severity of hair loss. PRP hair restoration is best for people beginning to experience hair thinning or genetic hair loss. If you have lost large amounts of hair, are completely bald, or the hair loss is simply too severe, PRP is likely not the right solution for you.

Health concerns are a less common reason that patients may not qualify for PRP hair injections. Since the procedure consists of a blood draw and injections, most people can safely undergo this without a large amount of risk. However, if you have severe autoimmune disease or blood disorder, you may not be a candidate. If you take blood thinning medications or supplements, you may need to temporarily stop them. Though, this alone does not disqualify you from the treatment.

To find out if you are a good candidate for PRP hair injections, set up a consultation by calling 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is The Maximum Age For PRP Hair Restoration

What Is The Maximum Age For PRP Hair Restoration?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma hair restoration is a non-surgical hair restoration method that needs to begin before hair loss reaches a critical point. Typically, the best time to start PRP hair restoration is when hair is beginning to thin. Therefore, some providers may discuss age limits on the procedure, or not want to treat patients above a certain age. What is the maximum age for PRP hair restoration? 

In technicality, there is no “maximum” age that one reaches where they are no longer a candidate for PRP hair restoration in Seattle. However, it is especially unlikely and uncommon for patients above 35 to undergo the treatment. While not impossible, most patients have passed the threshold of hair loss by that age where PRP hair restoration would simply not provide the ideal results.

The providers at PRP In Seattle have treated patients as young as their early twenties to their forties and beyond. A good rule to follow is if you have large areas of no hair (more than just patches of thinning) or are completely (or almost) bald, PRP hair restoration is likely not the right treatment for you. 

Ultimate, the best way to determine if you are a good candidate for PRP hair restoration is to schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle. Call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out online using our chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is The Success Rate Of PRP Injections

What Is The Success Rate Of PRP Injections?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma injections have been used for decades in sports medicine, particularly to treat soft tissue injuries and pain. PRP injections have shown great success in slowing the rate of hair thinning and non-surgically restoring hair. Before undergoing PRP hair restoration, patients often want to know, “What is the success rate of PRP injections?”

Overall, the success rate of PRP injections depends on the patient, how extensive their hair loss, and biological factors. Usually, after two to three treatments, patients begin to see the rate of hair thinning slow and some hair regrowth. After the initial round of four to six treatments, PRP hair restoration requires at least one yearly touch-up treatment to maintain results. 

While there is no consensus on the exact success rate of PRP injections for hair restoration, it sits between 70-90% for the average patient. It tends to work better in younger patients beginning to experience the effects of genetic hair loss and thinning. However, your provider will discuss this with you. 

Factors that may reduce the effectiveness of PRP are if you smoke, if your hair loss is too far along, if you’re completely bald, or if the hair loss is due to another medical condition or medication. Success rates of other PRP injections are similar and tend to be in the 80 percentile.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out to us online via our contact form or chat.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP For Hair Really Work?

Does PRP For Hair Really Work?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

When considering hair restoration options, patients want to try the ones they can feel confident will provide results. Since reasons for hair loss differ and every individual person responds differently to every treatment, it can be difficult to find the right hair restoration technique for you. When patients come to us with concerns about hair restoration, a frequent question we hear is, “Does PRP for hair really work?”

PRP hair restoration is a great method for restoring thinning hair and reversing the early stages of genetic hair loss. It can slow the hair loss process. Therefore, PRP for hair usually does work well in these situations. Occasion touch up treatments every year or so can continue to hinder hair loss as you grow older. 

For patients who have seen more rapid hair loss or who are at the more advanced stages of hair loss, PRP hair restoration may not be the most effective option. Sometimes, in cases where hair was lost due to medications or disease, PRP may help hair growth once resolved. Though, the hair usually will return regardless. Otherwise, for older patients or those with more extensive loss, your provider may recommend hair transplant surgery or other similar procedure.

PRP hair restoration can work well with other hair restoration treatments such as minoxidil. Your provider can discuss these options with you. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.