A Photo For A Blog Post About How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Dark Circles

How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Dark Circles?

By | PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma injections have begun to be used as a replacement for fillers in some cases. The most popular use of PRP as a filler is under the eyes. The under eyes contain some of the thinnest skin on the face, making them tricky to filler with traditional fillers. Dermal fillers can create something called the Tyndall effect which creates a blueish tint beneath the skin. While avoidable, PRP does not have this same risk. Many interested patients then want to know, “How many PRP sessions are needed for dark circles?”

The number of sessions needed to see the desired results. Usually, our master injectors recommend starting with a series of three sessions. Many patients will begin to see results between their first and second sessions, though most will see results following all three sessions. 

Depending on your body’s healing and collagen response, some patients may need more than three sessions. However, it can take four to six weeks to notice the difference. Therefore, our injectors recommend waiting this amount of time between sessions and before choosing to undergo more.

To learn more about PRP injections for the under eyes, reach out via phone at 206-279-2112 or online via chat or contact form.

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How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Hair Growth?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma is becoming one of the most sought after and effective non-surgical hair restoration methods available. PRP hair restoration involves injections of platelet rich plasma into the scalp to induce collagen production, healing, and ultimately hair regrowth. Rarely, patients see the results they want after one round of injections. How many PRP sessions are needed for hair growth?

On average, patients begin to see hair regrowth after their second or third session. This is because platelet rich plasma induces the body’s healing process. The healing process needs time to work, which is why it often takes so long to see the first results. Beyond that, patients tend to see more substantial results in four to six treatments.

The number of sessions necessary will vary from patient to patient. Some may see hair growth following the first session, while others may take more sessions to see results. It is also recommended that patients have yearly touch-up sessions. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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How Long Does It Take For PRP To Work Under The Eyes?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Treating dark and hollow under eyes usually consists of injections of dermal filler or platelet rich plasma. Dermal fillers will make an instant difference, though final results will take time to come in because the filler needs to settle and any swelling resolve. Still, results are typically evident in about two weeks. What about platelet rich plasma? How long does it take for PRP to work under the eyes?

If you undergo platelet rich plasma injections for the under eyes, you may not see too much of a difference immediately after the injections. There may be some brightening or filling effect, but this will likely reduce over the coming days. However, underneath the skin, PRP starts to stimulate collagen production as well as other proteins like elastin. This will continue over several weeks. 

After about four to six weeks, you will likely come in for another round of injections. This will keep the body in a constant state of healing the area, which will eventually add volume to the area. The number of sessions it takes to see the desired results will depend on your starting anatomy and your body’s response to the PRP. 

To learn more, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via contact form or chat.

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What Is Platelet Poor Plasma?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

At PRP In Seattle, we deal exclusively with platelet rich plasma. However, platelet rich plasma is only one component of plasma and blood as a whole. In comparison to platelet rich plasma, there is also platelet poor plasma. Let’s take a look at, “What is platelet poor plasma?”

Platelet poor plasma is essentially plasma with a low platelet count. This is in contrast to platelet rich plasma which is plasma with a high concentration of platelets. Platelets help the blood clot and serve important functions within the blood. While PRP is used more in the medical and aesthetic fields, platelet poor plasma does also have a few indications. 

Like how platelet rich plasma can aid in the healing of soft tissue injuries, platelet poor plasma also can help with certain muscle injuries as well as arthritis. It works similarly to platelet rich plasma, but does not come with the same inflammatory response that platelet rich plasma sometimes does. For patients who experience this, platelet poor plasma may help. This is also true in some cases of hair restoration.

To schedule an appointment and learn more about platelet rich plasma, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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What Are The Side Effects Of PRP Under Eye Injections?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Injecting platelet rich plasma under the eyes as an alternative to traditional dermal fillers is becoming increasingly popular. PRP does not come with many of the same risks as injecting fillers under the eyes. For example, there is almost no chance of an allergic reaction, occlusion, or overfilling. Though, considering the two treatments are administered the same way, how do the side effects compare? Let’s take a look at, “What are the side effects of PRP under eye injections?”

First off, not every patient will experience side effects. Additionally, the severity of the side effects will vary from person to person. Most who experience side effects will only experience minor ones that should resolve without major treatment. Examples of some of the possible side effects include swelling, redness, tenderness, pain near the injection sites, bruising, and soreness. These side effects are generally consistent with any other similar injection.

Side effects should only last between two days to two weeks. Typically, most will resolve within a week. Swelling and minor bruising may hang on for about two weeks. Though, after seven to ten days can usually be hidden underneath makeup. If you experience more severe side effects, your injector can guide you on how to alleviate them.

To learn more and schedule a free consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Does PRP Restore Facial Volume?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma is a component found in blood that contributes to stimulating a healing response and collagen production following an injury. When isolated and re-injected, PRP can achieve the same response. This has a number of medical and cosmetic uses including hair restoration and filling in the under eyes. Since PRP injections can work as an alternative to under eye filler (albeit with results that typically are not immediate), many patients wonder, “Does PRP restore facial volume?”

The answer is yes, but it comes with some caveats. Platelet rich plasma is great for filling in small, more targeted areas, such as the under eyes or nasolabial folds. Though, currently, it is not potent enough to provide a major augmentation to the cheeks, lips, chin, etc. Therefore, in these cases, traditional fillers are preferred. 

Additionally, for patients who have experienced major facial fat loss due to aging or an autoimmune disorder, longer lasting options like Sculptra are likely preferred. That is not to say that PRP cannot provide any benefit to these patients. It can boost the effects of these products and also address smaller areas nearby for the best results. 

In short, yes, PRP does restore facial volume, but is most effective in smaller areas for the treatment of specific wrinkles or scars. Unlike traditional fillers, it also takes multiple sessions to see desired results, but they are often permanent or long lasting. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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PRP For The Under Eyes Is Safer Than Filler: Here’s Why

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

The under eyes are a frequently troublesome area that can contribute to aging and a tired appearance. Due to this, many patients seek out under eye filler to look younger, treat eye bags, and appear more awake. However, under filler does come with risks and is not suitable for all patients. Some injectors are not experienced or qualified to inject in this area. Luckily, platelet rich plasma offers an alternative. Let’s discuss why PRP for the under eyes is safer than filler. 

First, let’s look at the risks of dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers are the only suitable filler for the under eyes and are generally safe in the right hands. They also do offer nearly immediate noticeable results. However, dermal fillers can cause a complication known as occlusion where a blood vessel or artery becomes blocked. Usually, this can be caught and treated immediately without major issues. In the worst case scenario, blindness can occur.

Occlusion in general is exceptionally rare. And, the cases that do happen are treated almost immediately and tend to leave behind no major side effects. Though, it is a consideration to make when undergoing tear trough fillers. Additionally, under eye fillers, especially if using a thicker filler, can cause a blue tinge to the skin where the filler shows through. This is known as the Tyndall effect and happens because the skin under the eyes is thin and/or the filler was placed too superficially. 

PRP solves all of these problems and possible outcomes. While it does take longer to see results, PRP is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction, uses your body’s own healing process to improve your under eyes, and cannot cause occlusion or the Tyndall effect. Therefore, when considering rejuvenation of the under eyes, PRP is often the safest and best choice.

To schedule a consultation with an injector, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via contact form or chat.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is The Success Rate Of PRP Injections

What Is The Success Rate Of PRP Injections?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma injections have been used for decades in sports medicine, particularly to treat soft tissue injuries and pain. PRP injections have shown great success in slowing the rate of hair thinning and non-surgically restoring hair. Before undergoing PRP hair restoration, patients often want to know, “What is the success rate of PRP injections?”

Overall, the success rate of PRP injections depends on the patient, how extensive their hair loss, and biological factors. Usually, after two to three treatments, patients begin to see the rate of hair thinning slow and some hair regrowth. After the initial round of four to six treatments, PRP hair restoration requires at least one yearly touch-up treatment to maintain results. 

While there is no consensus on the exact success rate of PRP injections for hair restoration, it sits between 70-90% for the average patient. It tends to work better in younger patients beginning to experience the effects of genetic hair loss and thinning. However, your provider will discuss this with you. 

Factors that may reduce the effectiveness of PRP are if you smoke, if your hair loss is too far along, if you’re completely bald, or if the hair loss is due to another medical condition or medication. Success rates of other PRP injections are similar and tend to be in the 80 percentile.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out to us online via our contact form or chat.

A Photo For A Blog Post About PRP vs. Filler For Tear Troughs

PRP vs. Filler For Tear Troughs

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

The tear troughs–also known as the under eye area–be a tricky treatment area for injections, especially filler. Due to the thinner skin in the area, the under eyes are more susceptible to the Tyndall effect and typically require a more experienced injector to perform. Platelet rich plasma is another option patients have to fill in or rejuvenate the under eyes. What are the differences? Let’s compare PRP vs. filler for the tear troughs.

Platelet rich plasma induces collagen production and promotes healing in under eyes to naturally plump the area. A few benefits to this is that the risk of allergic reaction or rejection is almost zero. It is not susceptible to the Tyndall effect and carries fewer overall risks than filler. However, it typically requires multiple sessions to see full results and may not offer dramatic results. 

Dermal fillers can create nearly instantaneous and more noticeable results. For patients with especially deep hollows, dermal fillers may be preferred because it may take too many PRP sessions to see a result. However, there is slightly more risk with filler injections than PRP. Though fillers are still one of the safest and lowest risk cosmetic procedures.

At a consultation, your provider can discuss more about PRP vs. filler and which may be best for you. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP Under Eyes Hurt?

Does PRP Under Eyes Hurt?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Under eye injections–especially dermal fillers–is known to be a rather sensitive treatment area. It is not overly painful, but can be more painful than other types of filler injections. However, when using platelet rich plasma under the eyes, does this still cause the same amount of pain? Does PRP under eyes hurt?

The answer depends on the individual patient. Each patient’s pain tolerance and ability to bear the procedure will depend. Although, since PRP is a thinner substance than most fillers and comes from the patient’s own body, this does reduce the chances of painful reactions or complications. While rare, many of these risks are reduced or non-existent with PRP under eye injections. 

The injections themselves are comparable to filler injections. Though, it may not hurt as much due to PRP’s thinner consistency. That said, many patients still opt for the topical numbing cream to take the edge off any possible discomfort. Afterward, patients may feel some discomfort from bruising, but this is generally limited and handled well with Tylenol.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online via chat or contact form.