A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP Change Your Face

Does PRP Change Your Face?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma has several uses including helping to add volume to the face and rejuvenate the skin. While a non-surgical procedure, patients sometimes worry that PRP will change their face too much. So let’s look at the question, “Does PRP change your face?”

PRP can change the face, but not so dramatically that patients need to be worried about their entire appearance changing. The art of cosmetic PRP focuses on subtle results. For example, injecting platelet rich plasma into the under eyes, often takes around three sessions to see visible results. However, the volume comes from your own body’s collagen response. Thus, it almost always looks completely natural.

Skin rejuvenation can help even the skin tone and fade scars. However, it is unlikely that PRP will make any dramatic changes to your face. Patients do not need to be concerned with platelet rich plasma or platelet rich fibrin treatments changing their face beyond repair.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Can A Receding Hairline Grow Back With PRP?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

A receding hairline is a common problem among men of all ages but becomes more of a problem as a man ages. Not only can this make a man look aged prematurely, but it can cause drops in self-confidence and mental distress. Thus, there are several hair restoration solutions presented to men experiencing a receding hairline. One of them is platelet rich plasma hair restoration. Let’s look at the question, “Can a receding hairline grow back with PRP?”

Platelet rich plasma injections can help repair hair follicles damaged by hormones—the driving force behind male pattern hair loss. However, it may only be able to restore some of the lost hair, especially if the hairline has receded significantly. Though, each patient will respond to the treatment differently and thus some may see more hair restoration than others.

In short, though, PRP can help restore a receding hairline. The injections can also help slow the process of hair loss. Younger men tend to respond better to treatment than older ones. Though, your provider can help you understand and gauge the results you can expect from PRP hair restoration in Seattle.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Does PRP Help With Volume To The Cheeks?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma injections have many uses including treating acne scars and filling in the under eyes in lieu of dermal fillers. However, many patients wonder if PRP can also be used to add volume to other areas of the face such as the cheeks. So, let’s look at the question, “Does PRP help with volume to the cheeks?”

Injectors can use PRP to add plumpness to the cheeks. Though, it is important to note that PRP does not provide the instant, dramatic effect that dermal fillers can. Instead, it gradually stimulates collagen production to help add natural-looking volume. For patients who want only a small amount of volume added or who want to address specific volume loss in the cheeks, PRP may be a fantastic option.

If patients are looking for more dramatic results or plumpness, dermal filler injections are still likely the best option. Though, PRP can help enhance the results of traditional cheek filler injections as well. Platelet rich plasma can also provide skin benefits and rejuvenation.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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What Is The Best Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Procedure?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Fibrin, Platelet Rich Plasma

When it comes to treating hair loss non-surgically, there are now several known and effective options. However, identifying the best one is difficult and often subjective. So, let’s look deeper into the question, “What is the best non-surgical hair restoration procedure?”

Ultimately, the answer to this question will likely vary from person to person due to individual experiences with hair loss and hair restoration procedures. Topical medications like minoxidil provide at least some results for almost everyone. They are a tried and tested non-surgical hair restoration method that has been used for decades.

However, minoxidil does not work forever or for everyone. It also does little to truly repair the hair follicles damaged by hormones. This is where platelet rich plasma or platelet rich fibrin can help. These two injectable options treat the hair follicles and help repair the damage. However, results vary more than topical medications. Though, the results can also be more dramatic.

Certain low level laser therapy has shown promise for non-surgical hair restoration. However, it appears to potentially work best in conjunction with other hair restoration methods. 

To learn more and schedule a free consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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What Are Dos And Don’ts After PRP

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Fibrin, Platelet Rich Plasma

What Are Dos And Don’ts After PRP

As a non-surgical hair restoration method, platelet rich plasma injections offer less downtime and recovery than a traditional hair transplant surgery. However, you do need still need to use caution to prevent damaging your results or promoting complications. Here are some dos and don’ts after PRP.

DO: Take It Easy

While you do not need to take time off work and can go about your daily activities, it is best to refrain from strenuous activities. Sweating can cause irritation and worsen swelling. Additionally, in rare cases, it can complicate results. Some people do choose to take a day or two off work, but this is not necessary.

DON’T: Shower For A Couple Of Days

Like with hair transplant surgery, you will want to wait to shower. Depending on your exact procedure, you generally can shower within 24 to 48 hours of your procedure. Your provider can better guide you on this. Still, you will want to be careful when doing so.

DO: Continue Using Other Hair Restoration Methods

After one to two days, you can resume using minoxidil or other at-home hair restoration methods. This can help improve your results over time.

DON’T: Drink Or Smoke

While not a surgical procedure, drinking and smoking can promote complications and hinder results from PRP and PRF hair restoration.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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What To Expect After PRP Under Eye Injections?

By | PRP Injections

What To Expect After PRP Under Eye Injections?

Platelet rich plasma injections for the under eyes are an alternative for under eye fillers. While PRP is thinner, the procedures themselves often look extremely similar. Though, PRP injections rarely use a cannula. So, are the side effects and aftercare similar? Our providers answer the question, “What to expect after PRP under eye injections?”

First, many of the side effects of dermal fillers may also be present following PRP injections. For example, swelling, redness, and tenderness can occur. Bruising is also possible, but not too common following PRP injections under the eyes. In this sense, the two have similar effects.

One of the main differences between under eye filler and PRP under eye injections is that there is an immediate result with fillers. PRP injections do not come with an immediate result and it takes time to see your final result. This is because PRP kickstarts a natural process. It also usually requires multiple sessions.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Is PRP A One Time Treatment?

By | PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma procedures are a form of regenerative medicine that can achieve a variety of goals such as non-surgical hair restoration and as an alternative to filler injections. You may notice that many providers (including PRP In Seattle) price their procedures in packages. So, is PRP a one time treatment or not?

PRP treatments can technically be a one time treatment. However, most procedures that use platelet rich plasma will provide better benefits if a patient undergoes successive sessions. For example, about four to eight weeks after your first PRP injection session, you will come back for another, and so on. 

Since PRP promotes a collagen and healing response, it is best to have another session when the initial one begins to wane. This helps to keep the bodily response constant, which for procedures such as hair restoration and under eye injections is ideal for the best possible results.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Can I Wear Makeup After PRP Under The Eye

Can I Wear Makeup After PRP Under The Eye?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma injections for the under eye are becoming a popular alternative for dermal fillers. Since there is no required downtime, patients often want to return to their daily lives as soon as possible, which often includes applying and wearing makeup. So, can I wear makeup after PRP under the eye?”

Yes, though, it is best to wait at least a few hours before applying makeup under the eyes. This is true for almost any injection. If you can, it is likely best to wait until the next morning to apply makeup to the area. Otherwise, it is perfectly fine to put makeup under the eyes after PRP injections.

It is rare for platelet rich plasma injections to cause major bruising or swelling under the eyes. However, some redness, tenderness, and minor swelling may be present. Makeup can help disguise this and—as long as not immediately following the injections—it is perfectly fine to apply it to hide these side effects if present.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What Are The Side Effects Of PRP Hair Restoration

What Are The Side Effects Of PRP Hair Restoration?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma hair restoration—often shortened to PRP hair restoration—is a non-surgical and non-invasive hair restoration procedure. However, this does not mean that it is not free of side effects. Let’s look at the frequently asked question, ‘What are the side effects of PRP hair restoration?” as well as what you can expect following treatment.

The side effects of PRP hair restoration may include scalp tightness, minor swelling, redness, itchiness, bruising, and general discomfort. Major side effects are rare and generally, side effects improve within a matter of days and most should resolve within two weeks.

When compared to a hair transplant surgery, the side effects are usually less mild and resolve quicker. Patients can return to work and most of their daily activities the day after PRP hair restoration. With that said, your provider may recommend waiting to wash your hair or partake in strenuous activities for a few days.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About How Long Should I Leave PRP On My Face

How Long Should I Leave PRP On My Face?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

When undergoing a skin treatment with platelet rich plasma, it is often still visible on the skin immediately after the treatment. Unless the treatment calls for it, your master esthetician will not cleanse it off. While it may be tempting to wash it off immediately, there are benefits to not doing so. Similar to a VI Peel, leaving the PRP on the skin is often part of the treatment. So, how long should I leave PRP on my face?

Depending on the treatment, it is frequently recommended that patients leave PRP on their skin for at least eight hours before washing it off. Of course, this may seem impractical because patients could otherwise return to their normal activities, but the PRP leaves their face looking red if not washed off. However, it also offers the skin intense nourishment. 

If you are able, schedule your appointment when you do not have to go back to your activities until at least the next morning, leave the PRP on overnight, and wash it off in the morning. This promotes the best results. Also, since PRP comes from your own body, there is little chance of an adverse reaction or irritation from leaving the PRP on. 

To learn more about PRP skin procedures, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online at via chat or contact form.